Chapter One: It Was The Museum Stair's Fault

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A/N: Hello!!! Welcome to the story!!!!

I don't have much to say. All the information you need about this would probably be in the description and/or the introduction. So yeah.

Hope you enjoy!

Ah.... Vacation. It was great... Especially when it's a Summer in London. The weather was unusually great, being a perfect a temperature of 20 °C (68 °F) with slightly cloudy skies. It was a miracle! Only a week in and I was having the greatest luck!

How did I get from my poor, tiny, and dirty house (more like a cottage) in the middle of nowhere to having a free vacation to London, all expenses paid? My gold digging Aunt Marie had just called off a wedding with her ex soon-to-be seventh husband and had been just lucky enough to get her honeymoon tickets out of it. She didn't like traveling very much and had gone to London three times already, so she gave them both to me. I luckily sold one of them online, seeing how I was friendless and a single child, and went on my grand adventure to the number one destination to visit on my bucket list.

I had already visited all the major, tourist destinations (Parliament Building, London Eye, Tower of London, etc.), but had yet to visit the number one thing on my list: The Sherlock Holmes Museum. It was the holy grail of Sherlockians, like myself. Being the brainless savant I am, I read most of them as a child. But when the BBC series came out, I fell in love. It was absolute heaven to see one of my favorite fictional characters from the Victorian age (or ever, really) come to life on the screen in the modern world. BBC had portrayed it perfectly, adding little references to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's originals and adding little tidbits of their own.

It was absolute perfection, and no one could ever convince me otherwise.

However, getting into the museum was hard and time-consuming. By ten o'clock, or thirty minutes after opening, the line is long enough to go to the next shop. Since I was steadily getting used to the city, I made a plan so I could get in without much of a hassle.

I'd decided to go this Monday morning. Most people were going to work or dreading going there, so people aren't likely to go to a museum on a Monday morning unless they're as crazy as I am. I checked my watch as I went into the tube. 8:45 am. Right on the dot. I checked my map again, memorizing the tracks I needed to take and which way to get from Bayswater to Baker Street.

Only three minutes later, I'm on a subway going to Edgeware Road. Only one stop to switch to another train (tram? I don't even know...) and I was there. Ten minutes, I was in Edgeware Road, waiting. Fifteen more and I was at Baker Street.

I breathed in the humid air as soon as I got out of the Tube. I was here. I was finally here. I checked my watch. 9:13 am. I even had enough time to grab a bite to eat really quick after I walk there and before they open. I almost jogged to the amazing destination and looked to see if it had opened early. No such luck, but it did look like they were getting ready. Like I had thought, no one was as crazy as I was and here for the museum. Unless they were disguising themselves...

Hungry, I went next door to get a scone and cup of coffee from Hudson's Old English Restaurant. It was expensive, but I had come prepared. I wanted the full experience. I grabbed my coffee to go and went outside, surprised to see a few people looking at the museum like they were wondering when it was opening. They didn't go near the entrance, though, so I stole the opportunity and was the first one to get in line. I nibbled on my scone, waiting.

Finally, after a couple of minutes that felt like ages, it was opened and they let me inside along with a newly married couple. I didn't mind them much as I eagerly took in as much as I could: it was mostly Victorian age, unsurprisingly, but had a few things that hinted to the BBC series. I went up the steep stairs, almost tripping twice, and studied the living room. It was untidy and had the signature seats in a Victorian style. At that moment, I almost squealed with delight. It was a dream come true. Although, this entire vacation was a dream, really. I'd have to thank Aunt Marie a million times over.

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