Chapter Seven: The Fifth Planet Away From the Sun is Hermes

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Warnings: Gore, mention of sex, suicide

"What took so long?" Lestrade ushered us through the scene and into a large business skyscraper. "Not busy shagging, were you?"

My face burned as I caught a glimpse of Sherlock while his ears turned a lovely shade of pink. Sherlock narrowed his eyes at Lestrade's crass comment.

"You know Lestrade, you were doing so good on the day drinking lately. What happened?" Sherlock smirked. Lestrade glared, but said nothing else as we moved along.

Lestrade walked us up to an elevator and pushed the button. When it opened, it revealed the sight of a woman, face down on the ground with a yellow substance in a small puddle near her mouth. That wasn't the strange part, though. The woman was spray painted head to toe with a hot pink.

"This is where she was found," Lestrade explained. "Three others before her, same cause of death as 'The Study in Pink.' One inside their house, one inside a warehouse, and the last one inside an office building. We checked the security footage and there was no sign of someone bringing her body in nor was there evidence of someone following her in. Must've been an inside job."

I looked over at Sherlock to see the gears turning in his head. He was figuring it out, quickly too, by the looks of it. A small part of me wanted to beat him to the punch...

If it was an inside job and there were three others before her then they must've been connected to this company somehow, but Lestrade didn't mention that they were. If it's like "A Study in Pink" then the victims aren't connected in any way. So it couldn't have been an inside job...

"No Taxi driver?" Sherlock asked.

"We thought so at first with the other three, but this woman never rode in a taxi, so that's out."

"Ah," a woman's voice whined behind us. I turned to see none other than the infamous Sally Donovan. "So the Freak's here already?"

I found it very difficult to suppress my slapping urges right then. Instead I hissed, "Piss off, Donovan."

The whoremonger smirked wickedly."The Freak's got himself a pet, hm? What happened to the other guy? Needed someone dumber to get a better reaction for your parlor tricks?"

I would've tackled her right there and then if Sherlock and Lestrade hadn't held me back. A long train of curses that would've made a sailor flush with embarrassment flew out of my lips. Donovan sneered and walked away, and I eventually calmed down.

I looked at the other two men. Sherlock wore a look of amusement and pride while Lestrade's was one of shock.

"Why does she still work here?" I asked. "Anyways, back to pinky here."

"Uh, right." Sherlock held back a laugh. "You say it was an inside job? I disagree to a certain extent." The curly haired detective kneeled down and was inches from the flamboyantly colored corpse.

"What do you mean by that?" The supposed DI asked.

"I mean," Sherlock shifted himself to see another angle of the body. "The killer doesn't work here, but he was here to work."

The gears and nobs in my head were ticking and full speed, trying to comprehend what the sociopath was saying. Until it finally clicked. I grinned in understanding. Lestrade caught my look and made a face.

"What?" He jabbed. "What am I not seeing?"

Sherlock stood. "This woman worked in marketing, recently divorced, and has-had three children in which she was fighting custody over. Until now, and I'm guessing her ex-husband is at least somewhat pleased to hear of her passing."

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