Chapter Three: The Wall Gets a Pounding. Again.

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After a few months of staying with the famous Sherlock Holmes, I was exhausted every day.

Almost every morning I would find my alarm clock to be replaced by Sherlock shooting the wall or the smashing of something. When I came down for breakfast, I would find a head replacing the milk for my cereal. I went on cases with Sherlock and usually saw a surprisingly large amount of carcasses. And every night I would deal with Sherlock and his experiments.

And I absolutely loved it.

This morning was no different as you awoke to a gun firing from the flat below. I groaned and got up, abandoning the impossible sleep that had left my bed. Mrs. Hudson seemed almost unaffected by it. Then again, she had been living here longer than me. She was also still trying to grasp the concept that I was living in John's old room as Sherlock's flatmate. And that I was another girl living in the flat. And that I was still putting up with Sherlock.

I got dressed in a sweatshirt and jeans that Mrs. Hudson had bought me when she had learned that I didn't have any clothes or money, and went downstairs to see the Consulting Detective sitting in his chair with a gun pointed at the guilty wall. I rolled my eyes.

"What a nice alarm clock," I said, smirking. I headed over to the fridge to see that there was milk replacing the head. What? How the hell did milk get there? "Sherlock! We have milk!"

"John brought some last night after you went to bed," he replied before firing three times. "He was worried."

"Oh," I said. I had met John and had explained to him the situation. He didn't believe me until Sherlock said that I was telling the truth. And even then he was a little hesitant, but that made sense. It's kind of difficult to believe that you're in a television series that a ton of people adore. Easy to fantasize and dream about, hard to believe that it's true.

I snatched milk jug, almost like I was afraid it was my imagination or something and grabbed some sugary cereal. Unhealthy! The greatest thing for your life in a television show! After pouring myself a bowl, I sat down in my/John's chair and looked at a very bored Sherlock.

"Bored..." Sherlock muttered before shooting the smiley face's eyes out.

"I can see that genius," I replied, munching on some condensed sugar. "You should get out more. Your skin is milky white."

"Says the person who sits in their room watching cartoons all day," the curly haired man snapped.

"First of all, it's anime," I said. "Second of all, touche." Sherlock smirked. "No cases, then?"


I chuckled. "If I had a pound for every time you've said obviously, I'd be rich beyond my wildest dreams."

The curly haired man scoffed. "That's because everything is so-"

"Blindingly obvious to you," I finished, rolling my eyes. "Obviously." I sipped my milk through my spoon a little. "So, what? You're just going to sit here all day, shooting the wall? Wait, no. I know the answer."


I laughed. "You have a strange phenomenon sitting in your living room and all you can do is shoot the wall being bored?"

"You call yourself a phenomenon?" he asked curiously.

"You call yourself a genius," I pointed out. "Look, I mean, I came from another world that just so happens to have this world as a fictional television series. How is that not phenomenal?"

"People have predicted the existence of alternate realities and other dimensions for years. The fact that you're here only proves their existence," Sherlock replied, quick as lightning. "The only curious thing is that you came to a world that happened to be a television show you were obsessed with."

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