Chapter Eight: Five-Year-Olds Make Great Touring Companions

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"What about that man in line for the Merry-Go-Round?"

There was a pause. "Single father of...two. Mother divorced him on the second one. He dedicates his life to his children while also struggling to pay her...what was it called again, Uncle Sherlock?"

I watched wide eyed as Sherlock hit it off and taught a five-year-old Rosie deductive reasoning. John asked the stubborn sociopath to babysit his child while he went out with some woman who Sherlock claims is a closeted lesbian.

"It's called Alimony, sweetheart," Sherlock informed his niece.

"Right," she giggled. "He has two...three...four dogs that he's trying top P,Ofind a new home for since he can't keep them anymore. Do you think Daddy'll let me have one?"

Sherlock chuckled. "I highly doubt your father would approve of another small animal to take care of." He booped her on the nose softly making her smile.

I could hardly believe the change in demeanor from Normal Sherlock to Uncle Sherlock. He was joking and slightly compassionate and it was clear that if anyone laid a finger on that little girl, he would tear them limb from limb and name every appendage as he did so.

The three of us were currently at an impromptu carnival in Kensington park. Something about a palace anniversary? In any case, there were a few small rides (Merry-Go-Round included), some food booths, and a makeshift temporary stage where a ventriloquist was currently performing.

All of which was taking place in front of the Kensington Palace, which looked like an enlarged brick school building with a marble statue of a regal looking queen. The yard was perfectly manicured behind the wrought iron fence. I would've killed for a look inside.

Inside my pocket, my phone buzzed. I pulled it out and checked it to see a text from Jeremy.

Jeremy the Panic Boyfriend?: Hey Beautiful ;) Are you free later today?

I smiled at the nickname, but felt a rock of disappointment sink in my stomach at the thought that I was occupied all day. Sherlock could take care of Rosie by himself, though, right?

I glanced over at the dynamic duo and felt a giddiness at the sight of Sherlock's genuine smile. Unable to suppress a grin, I texted Jeremy back.

Me: Hey. I'm stuck with babysitting duties all day, so I'm not free :(

"Auntie (Y/N)!" Rosie cried from a line to the face painting. "Come help me pick for Uncle Sherlie."

I sauntered over to see the many choices. A kitten one caught my eye. I presented it to the child, careful to conceal it from Sherlock's peering eyes. "How would this one look, d'you think?"

The little girl beamed, showing all her teeth. "I think it'd look lovely."

We informed the face painter which one Sherlock desired and she got to work, painting a bright pink kitten on Sherlock's cheek. When he saw the work of art on his perfectly sculpted cheek bone, he stuck out his bottom lip, trying to appear snobbishly attractive.

"It does look lovely," he crooned. "You ladies have excellent taste."

Rosie and I high-fived and we walked around the carnival once more, stuffing ourselves with as much junk food as we could Sherlock only took little nibbles, as he said he didn't quite enjoy carnival food. Rubbish, I say. Who doesn't enjoy a nice paper cone of cotton candy?

One booth in particular caught my eye, though. A raffle selling tickets to be drawn for a tour of the inside of Kensington Palace for that day. It called my name. I marched on up to the booth and bought five tickets, all in my name. They said you could take your entire group, so may as well.

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