BEN Drowned

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Art above drawn by, Jordan Persegati, one of my favourite artists.

(Also, ahem, warning! I've gathered new facts as of 07/04/2021 that kind of contradict a lot of things I've written. Sooooo.... I had to rewrite this chapter (and it turned out wordy too, sorry 😔), and a lot of the previous comments before 07/04/2021 on this chapter probably will not make sense. So, precede with caution when reading the comments, I suppose. Also, head's up for any readers returning and wondering why this chapter seems different).    

Benjamin Lawman

1. It is implied that the real name of Ben is, Benjamin Lawman (still not quite sure where this has come from though, but whatever).

Never mind, I know where the last name came from. It's because he has a relative named Tyler Lawman (Jadusable's friend, coincidentally), which is why it's implied that's his last name. (Oh, hold on, also just found out his possible mother's name, which seems to be Sarah Lawman based on an article on a murder-suicide found somewhere in arc 2. So, there's also that). Not sure about the first name though. Oh, and Tyler commits suicide somewhere between arcs two and three (sometime in 2019, I believe), who Jadus finds. Sooooo, there's that (Rest in Peace Tyler 😔) (this fact is also mentioned again somewhere in the end of the chapter just because).

2. It was confirmed by Jadusable (not as in the character, but the actual author of the story) himself that Ben was only twelve when he died (I wonder, did Ben live long enough to experience puberty? 😔)

3. On the date of Benjamin's death (4/23/02), he became a spirit trapped inside a game (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask), and as of now (2018), BEN, the entity, would be 16 years old. Benjamin Lawman would be chronologically 28 years old since he was born on the year 1990. However, Ben is forever stuck as a twelve year old.

4. Benjamin Lawman was born on April 23, 1990. Yes, he died on his birthday.

"Happy birthday, Benjamin! Guess what your present is!... DEATH!"

5. Ben's possible surname, Lawman, is a Northern Irish/Scottish surname, so he might have an English heritage... just maybe.

6. It is unknown to who killed Ben, but is rumoured to be his own drunk father who drowned him, not confirmed though. (Where'd ya think drowned came from to be put in his name, so he probably drowned.)

(2/07/2020: Never mind, I know how he died. He was in a ritual (which he partook in willingly) called ascension (I'm on to you, Kayne Quest!) by the cult, The Moon Children on April 23, 2002. The actual person who is directly responsible for his death is, however, unknown. It was a successful attempt at ascension, and the method of the ritual was drowning. What was left of his consciousness was transferred inside of his (I think) copy of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, which was left in the old man's care).

So, basically, the rumour of his father drowning him is not true, but he did drown, obviously.

(06/27/2023): And to all the people saying "The Father" (aka, the head of the cult) was the person directly responsible for Ben's death — I didn't write that as a fact since "The Father" actually died and ascended a few years before Ben's death, which is mentioned in fact #20. (Also, someone did mention that the cult leader's name may be the reason why people think Ben's father is the one who drowned him). Because of this, I'm not quite sure if "The Father" would be the one directly responsible.

7. When Benjamin died, BEN was created not so long after as a possible result of his (and others) ascension. However, Ben is not a part of BEN, and they are not the same person.

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