The Seed Eater

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Art above drawn by, Brandondeath777.

1. Its aliases are The Seedeater, The Creature, Ragface, Birdman, and S/E.

2. Its gender is unknown, but is assumed male.

3. It can speak many human languages; it isn't known how many languages he can speak though.

4. The Seed Eater is a humanoid being that eats children and was documented through the Creepypasta titled, Through the Trees.

5. The Seed Eater doesn't like photographs. If you want to remember/its appearance, you have to draw it, or write down what it looks like.

Drawing from the story:

"A crude drawing, it doesn't like photographs"

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"A crude drawing, it doesn't like photographs"

6. It is depicted as being Eyeless Jack's pet/companion in the Creepypasta fandom, most likely because they're, ahem, "cannibals". This most likely isn't canon though.

7. One of its favourite activities/hobbies is stalking children.

8. It can talk, but chooses not to do so (let me guess, when it first spoke, both of his parents were there to witness it, but shortly after, they died. Poor ol' thing probably thinks its voice is cursed 😢).

9. The Seed Eater mainly eats young children, but it can and will devour adults if threatened by them or hungry enough.

10. When an adult is attacked though, they aren't killed but turned into another Seed Eater, which is most likely evidence to there being more than one Seed Eater.

11. Its name is based off of the fact that it eats children a.k.a. the "seed" of adults (yeah, because The Child Eater was just too plain and simple, not to mention obvious for The Seed Eater. Even though it's some sort of murderous monster, the dude still has standards).

12. No one knows where The Seed Eater came from, not its origin, where it descended from, or what species it is.

13. The Seed Eater is intelligent and is able to (and is good at) messing and tricking its prey to make it easier to attack them.

14. The Seed Eater was first mentioned by a man named Cliff Howry. He believed that The Seed Eater came out from the woods every few years to feast on children.

15. It wears a rag mask (looks like a beaten up burlap sack to me) that has one eye hole cut out so that it can see. The other one, however, is stitched up (because depth perception really doesn't matter). The mask, a.k.a. beaten up burlap sack, narrows down towards another hole for its mouth/beak, which it used to eat those poor, poor children.

16. Nobody knows who created The Seed Eater, but I do know who wrote the story, which is, Orfy666 (but, at the same time I'm not sure. They could have just posted the story the website because they wanted to share it). It is possible they could have created The Seed Eater, but they could have also decided they just wanted to write a story for The Seed Eater upon seeing it, but isn't actually the creator of The Seed Eater.

I don't know.

Also, thanks SereneWaters6 for suggesting The Seed Eater.

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