Candy Pop

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Art above drawn by, Promptus.

1. Some of his aliases are Poppy (hi, I'm poppy, I am poppy, I'm poppy), Night Terrors, Cluster Demon, The Collector, The Dark Omen, Emperor of Darkness (sounds edgy), Father of Obscurity, Demon from the Abyss, and The Shapeshifting Master.

And, yes, Candy Pop is male. I'm surprised by how many people who assumed Candy Pop was female are still alive, not murdered by Candy Pop. Oh, wait, right, that's because Candy Pop isn't real. Sorry for breaking this really bad news y'allllll, especially to those sadists and possibly masochists (maybe even sadomasochists) out there and the people who genuinely thought Creepypastas were real. Yeahhhh, really terrible news...

2. Candy Pop's name is a synonym for "lollipop". It can also mean "sweet candy" or something that is "colourful and vivid that explodes with nothing but tinges". (Okay, yeah, he's somewhat colourful, but this man is anything but sweet, taste-wise and personailty-wise, but I would like to see him explode).

3. Candy Pop is immortal (well, shit).

4. Candy Pop's height in his normal/regular form is 7'8. As Night Terrors, he is 15 feet tall and can grow slightly bigger at will. In his Cluster/final form, he is... wait for it... 600 feet+ tall. That is one tall jester. I pity you people with coulrophobia.

5. His weight changes constantly due to all of his forms and doesn't actually have a confirmed weight because of it.

6. Night Terrors was born in Shamayim, whereas Candy Pop was born in the Forest of Lights (Uh, yeah, I'd like to go there to get me a new lamp, my old one is broken. Hopefully the Forest of Lights has a lamp I like). They're currently living in the Umbra realm and The Abyss.

7. Species that have been made by Candy Pop (because apparently he can make species) are Anathemas (wait, Candy Pop created Adolf Hitler *scoff* thanks a lot Candy Pop), Daemorionets, Eldritches, Spekters.

8. Candy Pop's personality can differ due to two souls being trapped in Candy Pop's Body (he and Night Terrors). Sometimes he appears playful, sometimes evil. They fight for dominance, which causes his personality to change at random times.

9. Candy Pop likes April Fools (I don't know if they mean his love interest or the holiday though) , his friends (he has friends?), his family, his kids (HE HAS KIDS!), the smell of sweets, dancing, singing, his flute, Storytelling, clown related things (of course...).

10. Candy Pop dislikes Night Terrors, unnecessary conflict, chaos, seeing others in pain because of himself, having to kill by force.

11. Night Terrors likes souls, power, dominating, corruption, others fearing him, darkness, obedient children and servants, manipulating situations.

12. Night Terrors dislikes Candy Pop, disobedient children, losing, lack of souls, the light (well, shit, he ain't gonna like it when he dies then), angels, good people, getting called by his real name.

13. Aprils Fools is Candy Pop's love interest and Terranova is a potential lover for Night Terrors.

14. Night Terrors first child/son is named Paranoima.

15. They are both parents to every anathema created (including Hitler?) and are grandparents to their anathema's children.

16. He has many forms such as his Night Terrors and Candy Pop forms, Hellhound form, Dak Draconian form, Levianthan form, Shadow form, Cluster form, demon forms, human forms, and probably many others.

17. Night Terrors has the power of stealing. He can steal the face/image and power of whoever he absorbs into his body via spiritual consumption. He can shapeshift into these images he has absorb and use the power of that person/thing. The image and power he takes on though only lasts for roughly 2-3 hours (except for his Candy Pop and Shadow forms).

18. They also possess supernatural strength, general manipulation, dark architect (create their own species by mixing what they have inside of them into one thing by supernatural means), power bestowal, mind control, immunity (be immune to certain elements and magic depending on the form he takes), hibernation (when he is low on souls, he goes into hibernation, which doesn't allow him to reach certain levels of weakness, which would heavily put him on a difficult level against his enemies. When he does wake up from hibernation, he will be extremely hungry and try to look for souls quickly), and sinister mastermind (he is highly intelligent and creates multiple schemes that he has gotten away with, especially in his Candy Pop form, which he uses to deceive people with).

19. Candy Pop's choice of weapon is a hammer that allows him to shield himself from attacks and smash his opponents to death (I wonder if he plays whack-a-mole with his opponents...). He has other weapons though depending on his form. For example, in his shadow form, he can shape his shadowy arm into an axe or a hammer similar to Candy Pop's. He is also able to use swords and dual weapons (and probably more). He don't care about what weapon he uses, just as long as his opponent is dead (I wonder if one of his forms has a pan as a weapon... actually, what if he ended up absording Rapunzel's image?)

20. He also uses purple balloons to trap his victims and steal their souls.

21. As Candy Pop, and possibly other forms, he can teleport, run fast, jump high, adapt to his environment quickly, has really good sharp senses, enhanced visuality, can ghost through walls, and has a very durable stamina (a.k.a. general supernatural capabilities).

22. He is the last known genyr as, after fusing with the one he dislikes, Night Terrors, he killed the rest (R.I.P. genyrs, I don't think I can hold a funeral for all of you though. My backyard ain't big enough to fit a whole civilization in it).

23. His weaknesses are holy items (wait, what about writing the word "holy shit" on an item? I mean, it has the word holy and it's gonna be written on an item...), such as spiritually strong individuals (the gifted by God), angels, The Light (told you guys he ain't gonna like it when he dies), Holy water, and The Bible (I mean, he is a demon, so all of this makes since. But, can I put both of index fingers into a cross and say, "BEGONE DEMON!").

24. Candy Pop has no allies and likes work alone.

25. His foes/enemies are humans, Mikhail, Stigma, Virulent, and angels.

26. He is created by, DanceOfAngels.

Facts to DIE for: CANON CREEPYPASTA FACTSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ