The Doll Maker

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Art above drawn by, Jordan Persegati.

1. His preferred name is, Vine, which is not his real name. His real name is unknown.

2. His catchphrases are, "Let me make you beautiful" (Just like Jeff the Killer 😏) and, "Just like daddy, right?"

3. He likes making dolls and "human" dolls. (BEWARE: Might be related to Lily).

4. He stitched the right side of the corner of his mouth to look like his doll, but couldn't do the other side because it hurt (wimp).

5. He inserted a doll eye into his left eye, which was all he had left of his dad, and he did this to make himself look like his dolls.

6. When he was nine, his dad died in a fire for not giving a doll to a business man.

7. Gier, the business man, kept Vine for 3 years treating him like a doll and "playing" with him.

8. Vine couldn't take being treated like a object by Gier, so his mind began to deteriorate.

9. Gier tried to "play" with vine one day and pinned him to the bed, but Vine grabbed a pen and killed him.

10. Vine is now 17.

11. Has black hair and used to have two blue eyes.

12. He was sexually abused as a child.

13. He is an asexual.

14. He is canonly shipped by the creator with a girl named, Svetlana Aristov, one of their other OC's.

15. Vine kidnapped Sventlana, and she later developed Stockholm Syndrome, and they developed a platonic relationship.

16. His mind has been stunted in growth possibly due to sexual abuse he experienced as a child.

17. Men make him uncomfortable probably due to Gier.

18. He sees sex as a vile act.

19. He has trouble with people being too close to him or touching him, especially if they're men, which is why he only collects female victims and creates female dolls.

20. He is 6'3 feet tall.

21. He is created by, Chisai-Yokai.

(I just got half of these from the story, so yeah).

Facts to DIE for: CANON CREEPYPASTA FACTSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang