Chapter 12

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Feeling my legs giving way from under me I anxiously awaited the hard force of the ground to hit. However, it wasn't as hard as I thought concrete would be if anything it felt soft. Rolling over a loud scream followed by numerous hands pinning me down alarmed me. Kicking my heavy legs out in every direction possible as well as thrashing my body wildly to free myself, pain shot through my hands. Screams along with heart-wrenching sobs pierced through the tunnel causing an echo so loud that I needed it to stop.

Using every bit of energy, I had left, I kicked and punched in hope to shut it all out but just like this stupid tunnel it just went on and on and on. All of a Sudden everything stopped. The noise, the hands, everything had become silent once again. It was back to being just me and the never-ending tunnel.

A sharp piercing /stinging jabbed into my leg sending an instant cooling through my burning legs. Leaving out a heavy sigh of relief, I allowed myself to rest for just a minute. My body felt as if I was floating through the air. Feeling so light I couldn't stop smiling 'oh this is heaven' I thought as my body swayed and floated along just like the clouds in the sky.

Seeing a bright light flashing before my eyes made me want to jump with joy. I had made it! I made it through the tunnel. As the light became brighter the lightness of my body rose with it. Hearing voices in the not so far distance I wanted to float faster but I just didn't know how to.

"Oh, thank god, thank you.... thank you..." the voices sang. "Look she's smiling" the excitement in the voices had me wanting to giggle. "Look she's laughing" another voice spoke almost laughing herself.

"No, she's high" a deep flat voice rudely interrupted. Upset that this horrible person had ruined the fun, "You're just grumpy." And the minute I spoke up the excitement that surrounded me erupted again making me chuckle. With the darkness, silence along with the numbness lifting I blinked trying to rid the blurriness from my eyes. As my eyes began to focus my heart leaped into my throat at the sight before me. "Isabella......Isabella your back "Lisa and Elle were crying and laughing as they both hugged me for dear life. "I can't breathe guys, you're killing me." I joked while laughing.

As Lisa and Elle tried to talk to me Mr grumpy kept complaining.' You need to let Isabella rest, she needs time alone blah blah blah... the more I heard his voice the more irritated I became. This A hole was ruining my happy high. "Oh, will you just shut up and leave already that way we can all rest," I told him while making a shooing sign. Lisa and Elle bust out laughing making me join in with them. "Hurry along grumpy you're not welcome here anymore." Lisa Elle and I broke into song

'Go on now go, walk out the door, your still around now but you're not welcome anymore.'

The man was getting really annoyed with us, however, I felt so happy and free I couldn't care less. He needed to learn to chill out a bit! The phone beside the bed rang; as I answered I continued to sing along with the girls. The grumpy old man, however, snatched the phone right out of my hands.

"How rude maybe when you learn to chill out you can also learn some manners too!" I scolded him like you would a child. Lisa and Elle were rolling on the floor laughing while clenching their stomachs. Wanting the phone back I began fighting him for the phone. Hearing someone shouting my name down the phone I wanted to whack the old man over his head. Then I thought if I can't have the phone then either can he so sliding onto the floor I pulled the phone cable out of the wall. Sitting up I proudly dangled the cable in the air. Haha "take that sucker." I shouted while laughing. Lisa and Elle both high fived me as Mr grumpy left out a frustrated grunt.

Hearing a loud crashing noise followed by what sounded like a herd of elephants running up the stairs Lisa and Elle stopped laughing. Me on the other hand, I couldn't stop laughing for the life of me. The looks on all their faces were hysterical. They looked as if they were about to get in big trouble.

Seeing the gun before the person holding it I still couldn't stop myself from laughing. Lisa Elle and the grumpy old man, however, looked as if they were going to pass out at any second. The masked person turned his face towards me and seeing his measly beady blue eyes made me laugh harder. He placed the gun to my head. Laughing harder at this furiously looking masked man he pushed the hard-cold metal harder against my forehead. With his eyes turning into hard slits he raised his hand to hit me but missed as I was too quick for him. I ducked and rolled like they do in the movies. If felt surreal. "HAHA, you missed." I squealed excitedly.

Lisa, Elle, and the grumpy old man just stood there not looking at all impressed but truly terrified. I had a sudden urge to play chase. "Oh, mask man, come catch me." I sang. Everyone looked at me as if I had gone completely crazy but I didn't care as I took off running. However, I didn't get very far as more of these masked people surrounded me the minute I reached the door. Stamping my foot down in frustration I heard click after click until I saw guns pointing at me from every direction. Suddenly everything didn't seem or feel so funny. The light happy floating feeling started to fade and then that's when the reality of this situation hit me.

My happy high no longer existed and hearing that evil snicker/laugh that has been stuck in my head for days now brought everything back to me like a flick of a switch.

"Not laughing now are you!" I heard before I saw her. Waving her hand everyone parted to make way for her as if she was royalty. Thinking back to what she had done to the poor baby Bella I wanted to kill her. However, that wasn't an option as I was still the main target. A target to, I don't know how many guns. Lisa Elle and the old man that I now recognized as the doctor was screaming for me, but I couldn't see them as the big bulky men blocked my view.

My blood ran cold as everything hit me like a sledgehammer. Cursing under my breath I tried to hide the fear wrecking through my body at lightning speed. As impossible as it was, I thought I was doing a pretty good job until Audrey grabbed me by my hair. "You bitch as I warned you before your time is now up." She laughed however as she and her followers laughed I could hear the pleading hysterical screams coming from behind me.

Biting down on my bottom lip as not to show Audrey how much she was hurting me, she snatched a gun from the man closest to her. Seeing the gun in her hand I wanted to scream, cry, even plead for my life but hearing Lisa and Elle's desperate pleas were only encouraging Audrey I knew I would only be signing my own death warrant. Audrey didn't have a heart. She was evil!

 As sad as it was I had to laugh when Isabella was high haha did anyone else?

What do you think is going to happen?

What is Audrey playing at? Seriously that woman needs her head checked!

Thanks for reading

Mel  xxx

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