Chapter 22

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Arriving at the hospital Jack, Paul and Joshua started to fight at who was going to bring the man into the hospital. Ignoring them all I swung open the door and began pulling the man out myself and before anyone could stop me I had his body half way out of the door. He weighed a ton but nothing was going to stop me not even Joshua. They must've all noticed I was a woman on a mission because as quick as they started fighting they stopped and were all out of the car helping me. Spotting a doctor entering the hospital I ran over and grabbed him whilst frantically telling him a man's been shot. Although he looked at me as if I was some raven lunatic who'd escaped from asylum his doctor mode thankfully kicked in and he ran with me instead of me dragging him forcefully.

As soon as the doctor and nurses took over Joshua had me up in his arms as he carried me kicking and screaming back to the car. I wanted, more like needed to know the man was going to be ok. Screaming and shouting as well as kicking and punching nothing was going to make them stop the car. Joshua was trying to reason with me but didn't he understand that I'm here only because of that man. Joshua held me tight against him and as much as I loved his mere touch I couldn't stop the bad feeling that sat in my gut just as it did every time something bad was about to happen. Not wanting to wait for it to happen I grabbed hold of Joshua's face and pleaded for him to turn back but he wasn't backing down no matter what I said. Pulling into our drive all thoughts of saving my saviour disappeared I couldn't contain myself because there right on the steps of the porch stood Lisa, Elle along with some others I didn't recognise However, the closer we got the more shocked I became. Lisa and Elle had my parents Audrey and a couple of our body guards tied up in front of them. 'What the hell?' I thought just as something inside me snapped. I hadn't a clue what was happening to me but the amount of anger that built up within me sent alarm bells ringing but I didn't care I was well beyond caring.

Jumping out of the still moving car I ran towards the tied up bodies. Looking over them Elle and Lisa came running towards me but stopped as soon as I looked up at them. They looked at me as if they had never seen me before damn they even flinched as they came to a stop. Ignoring everything and everyone around me except for the bodies that were tied up, I began circling them as if they were my prey which by hell they were. With rage so raw and strong it was as if all my life's pent up anger was realising it self all at once and by god I loved it. I actually felt in control for the first time in my life.

'This is it Isabella you show them that you are not going to take any more of their shit and now it was time to make them squirm and fear for their life's and beat them as they have done you. Be the evil bitch you've always dreamed about being, you can do this.' I told myself smiling, because right at that moment I felt almost invincible.

I felt no pain, no fear only anger and hatred for these phatic people laying on my front porch tied up so tight they hadn't a hope in hell of escaping just as I hadn't. Audrey was screaming abuse which fell on deaf ears as all I could hear was my blood bubbling as if I was an angry volcano about to erupt. I felt the men's presence but good for them they didn't approach me.

I began laughing as I watched my parents cry whilst they kept repeating how sorry there where and how they didn't expect it to go this far. This far? I thought to myself which made me laugh harder but my laugh was no normal happy laugh it was one that could kill you if it could. Bending down I stared my mother in the eye seeing her shaking pleased me. "So it finally comes to this hey? You've always been a greedy ruthless bitch but I never expected you to go as low as harming your own flesh and blood!" I said so calmly but the venom it held she began sobbing my father tried to move towards her but I just kicked her making her roll further away from my father. He began pleading with me but just like my mother's desperate pleas they fell on deaf ears. Turning to now face my hysterical father I felt myself weakening. He was my rock the only one who showed me love and affection growing up and he had betrayed me. My anger as quick as it started to slip away was back but wilder. I kicked him right between the legs as I screamed every curse word at him. I began beating him until his eyes finally closed. Turning to face my mother her eyes near on popped out of head as she knew she was next but I wasn't ready for her yet. I wanted her to beg and plead for her life although I wasn't sure yet whether I was going to be able to stop myself from killing her. I continued circling them and as my eyes landed on Audrey I smiled. Oh this is going to be fun. I looked over to my right and spotting the exact person I was looking for I called him forward. Paul looked a bit fearful at first but quickly covered it up as he came running to my side with a wicked smirk on his face. It was as if I had just given him the best present ever.

This is exactly what Paul loved and I owed him at least some play time. "I want you and Jack to take her into the house and give her a taste of her own medicine but make sure you some for me." Jack was beside Paul in a flash. I could see Joshua looking at me with so much pride I quickly blew him a kiss before turning back to the frightened little lambs. Oh yes this was fun. I thought to myself. Although it scared me as evil plans began to form in my head nothing was going to stop me not even myself. They had not only messed with me or my friends but my babies too and for that alone they deserve to die but death that would be too easy for these scum bags.


Isabella has finally snapped!

As much as I hate violence. For once in my life I want her to make them suffer so much that they would be wishing they never messed with her in the first place or even better still they were dead haha

If any of you lovely readers could pick out a song or pic for this chapter I would really appreciate it.

Also could anyone make a cover for this story? If so please message me xxxxxx 

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