S e v e n

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The sun's rays reflected her pupils, which was pitched black.

Don't her eyes have a shade of a lighter color like everyone when the suns rays reflect upon them? He thought.

Her eyes were darker even than the black hole. Dammit!

What were they? Why were they so black, and so, so beautiful?

He wanted her eyes, he wanted to look beyond them, and he wanted to kiss them.

He blinked back at the thought of that, as it caused jitters to blend in his stomach.

The glow on her face glittered brighter than the moon, and he wondered why God didn't make her the moon itself.

The moon was nothing compared to her!

He wanted to hold her face and caress each and every trace of her skin.

He felt his heart beat twice as fast.

Her eyes were twinkling shinier than the stars which shine at a night sky.

He wanted to unveil them. All of her!

Her face was blazing hotter than the sun and he wondered if she was the universe.

He wondered if she was the outer space!

But it was blazing because of the heat that crept up to her face, reddening every atom of her face.

He snapped back from his daydreaming and saw her backing away, with her eyes twinkling apologetically in fear and confusion.

He didn't care if his skin was burning underneath his shirt with that tea she spilled.

He just wanted to stare at her face.

She didn't know whether to say sorry or to stay glued at her position and stare right back at him or, fear that he might pull out that gun which was tucked underneath his shirt.

His stare was straight and cold and hard and simply alluring!

Whatever that meant, but she couldn't help herself to bring out the words from her mouth.

Her fingers were digging into the coffee flask she was holding, while that heart of hers pounded in her chest.

And how was he wearing just that shirt in a cold like this?

Was he even human?

Oh, there was no answer to that because he was just like the weather.

There was something about the way his eyes were piercing into hers, she just didn't know how to put into words but in a way, it made her blush.

He waited for her to speak first.

And she waited for him to start the conversation.

But they just kept looking into the pools of their eyes.

Before the two of them could even had plan to speak, Abed heard a deep voice which cut in their silent trances.

"Sahar?" His voice sounded annoyed.

Sahar's eyes shot up to the source of the voice and she felt her heart sink.

Oh, what will her brother think of her now?

That she was having a moment with a town guy?

But Abed didn't look like those town guys.

He didn't even look like he was from here. She was clearly warned to stay from all kinds of men. Whether they were from this planet or from the another ones.

Guilted: Wars Against The Past (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now