Chapter 2 - Meeting Noah

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Megs and I had just arrived at our first lesson for the day. English Lit with Mrs. Drake. Mrs Drake was an old lady, rather strict, rather bossy and extremely boring.

We took our seats near the back and began to wait for the bell to ring.

"So" Megs began " Did Toby drop you off this morning" she said not quite making eye contact with me. She had a thing for Toby and had done for the last few years. Toby had no idea.

"Yes" I replied bluntly "along with the 3 other dicks that rule my life"

"You love them really" Megs said

"Yeah Megs I do. It's just that they have babied me for years. I cannot wait to enjoy this year of school without any of them here. I'm going to stand up for myself for a change. And" I paused "I want to get a boyfriend"

The bell rang and Mrs Drake walked in. "Good Morning class, and welcome back" everyone continued to talk, not caring enough to pay attention to her. Then suddenly everyone went quiet.

A guy walked in, rather confidently. He didn't even look at Mrs Drake before he took a seat.

"Hmm, Mr Connell I believe ?" Our teacher questioned

"Yeah" replied the guy who was now a few seats over "That's me"

"Excellent, now class lets begin"

Class was boring. Mrs D was going on about some Shakespeare shit that I had no interest in. I just kept my attention on the new guy the whole time. His hair was a light brown and looked quite fluffy to the touch. His blue eyes and striking jaw bones made him look rather mischievous. He was beautiful. Like a god sent down to bless the earth with his presence. By the end of the lesson I still didn't know his name, but I did know that I had already developed a huge crush on him and he hadn't even said 2 words or looked in my direction.

"Did you see him?" I mumbled to Megs on the way to the next class, hoping no one was around to hear

"See who?" Megs replied whilst playing candy crush on her phone

"See me" someone said from behind us

"Shit" I cursed and turned around

"Hey pretty ladies, I heard you talking about me" he said so dreamily. I couldn't stop looking into his bright blue eyes "The names Noah Connell, and you are..." he said extending his hand jokingly with a smirk

"We are leaving" I said quickly and ran down the corridor grabbing Megs arm on the way

"That was so embarrassing" I said to Megs when we got to the girls restrooms "Now he must thing I'm a proper weirdo"

"He only thinks that because you ran off when he tried to introduce himself" she giggles applying more mascara.

"I just hope he's not in any more of my classes today, I can't be dealing with that" just then the second bell went

"Well goodluck Harper, you're going to need it" Megs said I'll see you after next lesson?

Megs and I walked off in different directions to our separate classes.

Just as I stepped through the door into my biology class, there next to the only empty seat left in the room, was none other than the sexy but cocky Noah Connell. This was going to be a long lesson I thought to myself.

"Hello darling" he said as I took my seat unwillingly

"Fuck meeee" I said to myself but obviously was too loud

"I'd be happy too" Noah smirked

Fuck my life.

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