Chapter 5 - An understanding

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Around 8pm there was a small knock on my door.

"Harps ?" Said Toby "I've brought you some dinner"

I slowly tiptoed to the door and opened it just enough that I could see my brother with a plate of what looked like mac and cheese in his hands.

"Come on Harps, let me in it's just me" he said again reassuringly

I opened my door wide and let him in. Closing it behind him he sat down on the beanbag next to my bed and passed me my food.

"I'm not mad Harper" he said "I got in trouble at school too you know"

"I know Toby, but Liam and Jake don't baby you like they do me. I have had to live my whole life in all your shadows. I'm never allowed to do anything for myself"

"You know we're just trying to protect you right ? Since mum and dad died we've only got each other. We just don't want to see you get hurt or throw your life away. Is it really that bad?" He asked turning to look at me

I took another mouthful of my dinner and thought. Yes it was bad. Yes they treated me like a little girl and yes they dictated what I did. But part of me was grateful for that. For the fact that they cared about me and wanted to keep me safe. They just needed to let me make my own decisions for once.

"I love you Toby, and I love Jake and Liam too. Just sometimes it would be nice to make my own decisions. To make my own mistakes and learn from them. Otherwise how am I going to grow up into an independent adult if I'm still treated like a 10 year old"

"Okay Harps" he said getting up and kissing me on my forehead. "I get it. I'll speak to the boys, try and cool them off a bit. Any trouble though you come and find us or call us. Especially if you're going to be late home from school" Toby turned to leave

"Urm well Tobs" I started "I have another one tomorrow.

He turned to look at me and laughed

"Okay baby sis. Good luck"

Maybe they would back off. Well they would until they found out about Noah Connell. Hmm Noah. I wonder what he was doing now.

I went to the bathroom and did my business before getting back into bed and turning the light off.

"Goodnight mummy, goodnight daddy." I whispered like I did every night

I then fell asleep


I groggily woke up the next morning to the sound of the trash men doing their jobs.

I only ever hear that sound in the holidays.

I sit up and check the time on my phone.



My brothers have left me to be independent. And here I was late for school, I had a million messages from Megs on my phone and I will most likely get another detention. This was not good.

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