Chapter 10 - The morning after the night before

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Fucking ouch.

I thought to myself as I woke up the next day. My head felt like I had been thrown off the top of a tall building and hit my head straight on the floor. Several times. Never drinking again, I said to myself. Yeah good luck with that one Harper.

I got up and had a shower. Not quite ready to see my bothers. Maybe they'd be angry that I drank so much. Was I sick? Did I clean up after everyone went ?

In the shower I began singing loudly like normal to the latest Ed Sheeran song, Castle on the Hill. Another love song, but it was amazing. Love. Shit. Love

Memories from the before started flooding back to me. Noah had ask me out on a date. NOAH HAD ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE. And I said yes.

I was going on a date. A feeling of panic and excitement filled my body all at once. I wasn't sure how to feel. I was nervous. I had never been on a date before, and how was I meant to tell my brothers. Sure Jake was there towards the end of the night but I didn't tell him about the date.

Slowly I got out the shower and got dressed. Dressing in black sweats to match my mood and how my head felt. Today was going to be a day of doing nothing.

I began making my way downstairs as I heard voices.

"So where are you going?" Said someone, one of my brothers I assumed.

As I walked closer the voices got easier to hear.

"I just thought we'd go to the Zoo, then have lunch, maybe a movie after if we have time" said another voice not as recognisable

"Sounds good dude. Just keep your hands to yourself okay. She's the most precious thing we have" this time I knew it was my brother Jake speaking

"We want her back by 7pm for dinner" said Liam

Who's she, and who is this stranger in my house they are talking too.

As I walked into the kitchen all my brothers were gathered round the table.

I cleared my throat to make my presence known and they all spread apart as they turned round.

"Goodmorning little sis" said Jake "Look who's come for breakfast"

As they stepped away from the table I saw Noah sat there on the other side looking rather uncomfortable.

"Morning Foxy" he smirked "Were going on our date"

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