Chapter 27

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Bilal POV

I looked around after hanging up. My Angel is nowhere to see. I looked at the bench where she was before and saw her mobile that I gift her. I take her mobile and wait her maybe she is in washroom. Fifteen minutes have passed I went near the washroom and asked a lady showing my Angel photo. "Did you see this girl in the washroom or anywhere?" she shook her head. I'm now worried about her she is not irresponsible to do anything like this. I asked people who was roaming here and there in the park.

It's been five hours and I don't know where she is. "Beta be patience. Police is doing their work." said my dad. We are in police station trying to track her location. There is track device in her anklet which can help us finding her. "Sir we find her location." said an officer.

Aiman POV

I feel soft surface on which I'm laying. I try to open my eyes but couldn't. I again try and open my eyes. I looked around and saw I'm in a room but it's not mine. I try to remember where I'm. Then it clicked what happened with me when I was in a park with Bilal. I'm kidnapped. I place my hand on my stomach to calm my nerves. The door opened and a guy entered in the room whose face I never want to see in my life. "You are awake. You don't know how much I missed you, kitten." he said as he come near me. I watched his each step. He stood in front of me and looked at my stomach. I quickly place my other hand on my stomach try to hide my unborn child from his evil eyes. "Awwww....Don't hide this unborn baby." He said. I shook my head. "You know I will keep you with me even this unborn baby." He said. My tears start flowing down from my eyes. He try to wipe my tears but I pushed his hands away from my face and said "Don't touch me." "Why kitten? I think you forget that we have something which we didn't finish back then. Remember it." I shivered at that as I remember what happened 6 years before. "You must be hungry kitten. Wait I'll bring food for you." He said and went out of the room. I start crying.

After five minutes later he comes back in the room in hurry and pulled me up. "You are coming with me." He said in a warning tone. He pulled his gun out his pocket and point on my stomach. "If you want that baby save you have to follow my orders." I tensed and nodded my head. I whimpered as I thought anything happen to my baby.

He take me out of that house. I looked around my surroundings. I don't know where we our because I don't think we in Lahore. I closed my eyes and bit my lower lip trying to stop a whimper which is about to leave as he move the gun further in my stomach it's start hurting. "AIMAN?" I heard Bilal voice. I opened my eyes and saw Bilal stand in front of me with police, our dad, Omair bhai and Adeel bhai with my blur vision. "If you come near us I will shoot that baby. Put your guns down." said Hassan. They all stopped and put their gun down. I looked at Omair bhai from Bilal. He signal me and I looked down to move my leg. I again looked up and saw Omair bhai signal an officer. As the officer put his gun down he shoot on Hassan leg. I quickly pushed his hand up in which he had gun. The voice of shooting echo and Bilal come running toward me. I feel light headed and pain in my stomach. I tightly gripping Bilal arms to balance myself and cry out in pain. The pain start increasing its 10 times more than last time. "Bilal?" I whisper and faint. "AIMAN!!??" It's last word I heard.

In my HEART ||✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें