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From the second I laid my eyes on her, I knew that I wanted her. At first, I just wanted to have sex with her on my bed - shallow, I know -, but when she yelled at me, that's when I knew I wanted more than sex from her. People never yell at me, women especially - not counting my mother. They are always too affected by my looks to even speak, but she? She was just the opposite. The girl freaking screamed at me!

But it wasn't just her yelling that got my interest towards her, it was also the fact that; she didn't know who I was - which never, ever happens - and she had a full ride scholarship! Even I didn't get a scholarship like that when I went to Yale, or even close to it.

And then, there is also the fact that she is drop dead gorgeous, from head to toe. It was a complete shock to me that she would be a virgin, but from what I've gathered so far, one of the men that came here with her is her ex, or something like that, and that's probably why she hasn't been with anyone.

Maybe he wasn't good enough to make her want it...but I will be, and I'll make sure of it.

Though it's not just her looks that have me fascinated, it's her brains and her heart. Of course, we don't have a single thing in common, in fact, I like all of the opposites of her, but there is something deep inside of her that has somehow already locked itself on to me and won't let me go.

I haven't been able to get her out of my damn head since I've met her. While I was speaking to the police last night, all I could think about was; her waiting upstairs for me. And when I finally got back and found her passed out on the couch, with a book sprawled out over her chest, I couldn't help but stand like a creep over her and take in every freckle, mole, edge, and line of her body that I could see.

For years now, I've been numb to every girl around me. Nothing they had could make me feel the same passion and heat I used to, but for her? For her, it was like the fire that was burning up inside of me all let loose, the second I laid my eyes on her. I wanted to kiss every inch of her skin, I wanted to engrave every mark on her body into my mind by memory, I wanted to discover her body while rediscovering my own.

She's exactly what I need.

When she started apologizing profusely, I actually felt bad for her. It was obvious that she really didn't know that I lived here. As she was getting dressed, I went into my office to call down to the front desk. I told them the situation and they instantly dealt with it. Apparently, the man - that gave them my room key and lock code, which I now have to change - was jealous that his girlfriend said some words about me to him, and that turned him into the green eyed monster.

When Aria picked up the box of condoms and froze, I knew something was wrong. Her face instantly paled and her body went rigid. I thought that maybe it was her boyfriend's, and suddenly I was thinking of thirty different ways of how to get away with murder. It wouldn't be too hard, you know...when you are hella rich, it's easier to murder people and not get caught.

I was shocked and confused as hell when she dumped the box and started counting how many there were in the box, all the while crying.

I immediately got angry. She's too beautiful to cry. I could honestly see the moment her heart broke inside her chest. Confused, I ran to the living room to grab a box of tissues. I've never consoled someone before...so I didn't know how to do so. All I could do was hand her a tissue and help her up. By then, thankfully she calmed down a bit.

I knew what I wanted from her when I saw her being attached emotionally to another guy. It made me realize that I wanted her to be all mine, something I take very seriously now. She wouldn't cry over another guy ever again because now, she had me.

Blackmailing Aria Original VersionWhere stories live. Discover now