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Jake was silent, his breathing was slow as his hands kept opening and closing, jake was thinking, thinking way to hard.

This silent treatment had me a little scared if I may say so.

I could understand why he's being this way and I don't blame him, he always told me to stay away from his stepbrother. he would never tell me why but I never asked either.

It wasn't like I planned it, that night was an accident, not a mistake becuz I never regret everything I do , it was just a small accident neither of us thought would happen.

"Jake?" I whispered placing my hand on top of his, he didn't even move he was just frozen on his side wide eyes and a straight mouth. "say something ?"

Next thing I knew jake jumped up almost knocking me in my teeth and started to pace the room "wtf!" he cursed "I told you to stay away from him , how did this even happen?"

I sat straight up "it's not a big deal jake really, it doesn't even matter "

"wtf you mean it's not a big deal? you went against my word and fucked him!"

"Don't say it like it"

"Like what?"

"Like I'm a whore"

He stopped pacing looking at me with his anger eyes slowly disappearing "I'm not calling you a whore I just don't understand why you did that"

"It wasn't planned, it just happened" I shrugged my shoulders as if it wasn't a big deal

"Yeah right, you know damn we'll he planned it"

"I dont know why it's such a big deal to you,  I mean, it's not like I had sex with a stranger, I've known him my whole life"

"Whatever, I don't want to talk about this anymore" he flopped himself back onto the bed

I knew what I had done was stupid but at the same time I didn't really know what was happening

I fell in to his brothers arms that day , which was jakes fault!
Jake and I had a fight the same day, in the middle of class causing him to embarrass me in front of at leaste 20 kids , I was angry at him, beyond angry, the only way I knew how to hurt him was to spend time with his stepbrother, I didn't plan to have sex , but i knew deep down inside , when his brothers hands were pulling my top over my head , that this little encounter would finaly send jake away. Thats what i wanted , i wanted a life without hurt and pain , this was the only way.

Jakes mother had remarried a few months before I had  met him so once we did become close jake used to tell me how mean and horrible he was towards jake and how I needed to stay away from him at all cost, it was a little difficult to stay away when I was always at his house.

Anthony was always kind to me, respectful and sweet, at times when jake would be so mean , Anthony was always there to comfort me, I grew to like him not understanding jakes reason on why I had to stay away from him.

So when the day came that jake decided to down grade me in front of everyone I chose to become Anthony's friend only to hurt jake.

I had this theory that if I was to parade my new friendship in front of jake that he would come running back and declare our friendship again, but like always my planned backfired.

Anthony and I hung out almost every weekend for two months before we had done the deed, that day was bittersweet.
I wanted to tell jake just to piss him off but i didnt feel happy with my decision, there was a small stabing pain in my heart that just wouldn't go away. I felt as if i had just cheated , i wanted nothing more then to crawl in to a dark corner and cry.

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