oberois in barielly+om-viren

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the next day:


pinky: whats you doing anika?

sanju: mum, why are you packing?

anika: we are all going for a small holiday. 

aarti: wow! finally! after 13 years!

sanju: thanks for this holiday!

ruhi: where are we going?

anika: barielly!!

jhanvi: barielly? what's so special about barielly?

anika in mind: to show you oberois the truth. just the truth and how you guys killed an innocent girl with your words! how you mistreated her children! i want to show the real truth of gauri! (talking) barielly...... i just heard that it is so beautiful there and many love it.

jhanvi: accha...... yeah no problem. let's go to barielly. 

anika was done packing and the oberois drove to the station and went on the train but shivika weren't even talking to each other.

anika in mind: shivay is guilty. well done anika! and now the rest of these oberois!! starting with these kids first. god knows that bhavya taught her kids!

she smirks to herself as the train moved.


buamaa's house:

viren and aadhira saw gauri was still sleeping and remembered that gauri had to get somethings buamaa ordered from a shop. 

aadhira: should we wake up mama? she needs to get those stuff.

viren: no. think about it mum has been working a lot lately. we'll get it.

aadhira: ok, chalo!

they go from the house and to the shop. 

aadhira: thank you bhaiya. let's go back home bhai before mama or buamaa find out.

viren: or munni.

they laugh and go but just then aadhira bumped into a tall figure.

aadhira: sorry uncle. i wasn't looking. 

she was about to go when the man turned to see her and viren's shocked faces.

aadhira-viren: mr oberoi!

om: glad to know that you didn't call me mr oberoi aadhira omkara singh oberoi. rather uncle! very good! soon you will be calling me papa.

aadhira: like that's ever going to happen!

viren: you! mr oberoi, can you please leave us alone? and anyway why would we ever call you 'papa'? 

om: i know that how ziddi your mum is and as for you two, i can change. i can be a better dad.

viren: 'better'? yeah right! all this time you have only been the worst. you want to know something? when i was only one, mum was pregnant with aadhira, the minute i saw you beating mum up even though she was pregnant, i thought that maybe one day you would change. 

om: viren...........

viren interrupting: 12 years later, no change! you have always been the same, just hurting mum, calling me, aadhira and munni illegitimate! have you ever thought that just for one second, you could be nice. no! and now look 13 years since he married mum, he was only harsh and cold hearted and now he wants to rectify his mistakes. 

om: can't i? do i need to sign something to fix my mistakes?

viren: no. no need to sign anything. time. during all these 13 years you could have beg for forgiveness. you could have made a new start with mum but no! you wasted 13 years mr oberoi!! 13 years! 

he and aadhira were about to go when......

om: but there is still time. i can win back your mum's heart again.

viren: then prove it! you have a month.

om: deal! in one month your mum will be mine!

viren: we'll see.

he and aadhira go.

om: one month?! god! i have to do something!

precap: advay in barielly+aadhira-aarti meet

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for not updating.

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