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It was sunset when the Academy finally came in to view. 

It was basically a huge medieval-style castle that joint into the surrounding mountains forming lots of levels and pathways. 

The setting sun made everything seem to glow heavenly in the fading light. Dragons of all different sizes and colours could be seen flying around riderless near the castle.

 It was beautiful.

"Amazing" Chase whispered in my ear loudly making me jump out of my trance.

"Yes, it is," said Axel patting Nacendra's neck.

She closed her wings and fell down through the sky. I held my breath and tightened my grip on Axel.

"What the hell are you doing?" Screamed Hunter clinging to Chase strongly for dear life.

Nacendra opened her wings at the last second and landed gracefully on the ground with a small thud.

"Landing," said Axel over his shoulder, a massive grin present on his face.

I let out a large sigh and let go of Axel. He jumped off Nacendra's back and held out his arms.

"Jump down"

I swung my leg over her side and jumped down praying that my ankle wouldn't give way and embarrass me in front of everyone. I landed safely supported by Axel and walked over to Max and Zack who had already dismounted.

"That was amazing wasn't it" I gasped.

"Yeah" agreed Max.

"Awesome" added Zack.

"Especially when you have a whimpering idiot clutching onto you," said Chase sarcastically jogging up to stand next to me.

I laughed and watched as other dragons flew down carrying other students. Eventually, they stopped coming and the level was full of students of different races and abilities.

"Everyone gather round please" called Jack.

We walked over to stand by our pack.

"When I call your group, follow your appointed guide to sort you into your elemental regions, which basically just determine which quarters you're going to sleep in and what team you're in for the house games," he said announced. "We will start with the werewolf packs"

"Bloodstone pack, please follow Felix," he said pointing the boy with dusty grey hair and soft brown eyes.

He gave a wave to bring their attention to him before leading the pack away.

"I've heard about those," said Zack.

"Same, I think their quite a high rank," said Max.

"Not above us though" sang Chase.

I laughed at their prevail behaviour, the pack rank was determined by how powerful it is and at present, our pack was at the highest rank above Bloodstone pack.

"Crimson shadow pack, please follow Dexter," he said pointing at the boy with dirty blond hair and pastel blue eyes.

I waved goodbye to Axel and followed Dexter along with the rest of my pack.

We walked through various hallways, each coated in paintings and decorated with beautiful patterns and engravings.

"This place is huge"  voiced Ace through the new main pack link.

Vicky linked her arm through his and we all murmured in agreement.

After walking down another hallway I gave up trying to memorize the way back, it's way too big to learn in a day. 

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