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Shades POV:

"AURORA!" I screamed, desperately trying to spot her below the water. 

I dived under the surface and forced my eyes open but there was no sign of her anywhere. After using up all of the air that my lungs could hold, I pushed myself back above the water and screamed out in frustration.

"They couldn't have taken her," I said to myself shakily.

It was all my fault... they pulled her away from me because I wasn't strong enough to hold her. 

Realising that I was no use to her dead, I swam as quickly as I could to the river bank, dodging a variety of humungous waves and dangerous currents along the way, and before they managed to claim all of my energy, I threw myself out of the water and pushed myself to my knees, coughing up the water that had threatened to consume my lungs.

I looked around in panic and ran my hand through my soaked hair, pushing it back out of my face as a small tear fell down my cheek. I stopped my body from shaking and got to my feet slowly, forcing myself to pace up and down the river bank in an effort to find her, but it was useless... the storm continued to rage and the waters continued to stir, preventing me from seeing anything.

I tilted my head up to the blackened clouds and screamed out as loudly as my sore lungs would allow, I searched every inch of the stormy sky longingly, praying that someone or something would come to help her... I would even accept help from Sebastian himself at this point, and as if my prayers were miraculously answered, something came. 

A deafening roar filled the whole area, easily outshining the storms booming thunder and raging winds, a bolt of brilliant lightning struck brightly nearby, illuminating the gloomy skies for me to see the shadowy outline of a dragon.  

The astonishing beast picked up tremendous speed and pointed itself straight for the deadly rivers surface, showing no sign of stopping. Just before it crashed into the forcefield I saw that it was Aurora's dragon Obsidian... he must have sensed that she was in danger!

 A blinding light surrounded the area upon his contact with the forcefield, sending me crashing to the floor with my hands over my eyes.  I reopened them to see that his whole body had disappeared below the surface of the water, making me wonder how deep its waters actually went. 

I scrambled to the river bank and watched the water's surface in anticipation as tremendously long seconds ticked by, the water suddenly had become still and the air had become silent, leaving only the noise of my quickened heartbeat to reach my ears, adding to my growing anxiety. 

After what seemed like forever, the dragon re-emerged with Aurora in his talons. He did a large circle around me before he swooped down low and dropped her onto the ground a few feet away from me. 

I wasted no time and ran straight towards her, but as soon as Obsidian realised what I was doing, he landed gracefully next to her and stood protectively over her limp body, releasing a roar that shook the very ground that I ran on, sending me painfully to the ground with a loud thump. 

I groaned out in pain and forced myself back onto my feet, this time making sure to take slower steps towards him. 

"I'm not going to hurt her," I said quietly, not trusting the stability of my voice. 

He bared his teeth at me and wrapped his wing over Aurora's body, I stared at him in confusion until I saw that his throat had begun to give off a faint glow, he was going to burn me. 

"NO!" I shouted, holding both of my hands out in front of me "I would never do anything to harm her"I screamed, hoping that he could understand me, or at least my emotions.

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