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With my daggers now in my possession, I met Lucifer head on. I fought endlessly against his sharp blows but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't overpower him. I was beginning to tire, neither of us had successfully landed any blows, and sweat trickled down my forehead as I continued to fight. 

When I attempted to attack Lucifers right side an abrupt pain radiated from my left shoulder as the end of Lucifers cold blade pierced my skin. My breathing hitched at the agonising feeling of the sword burying itself deeper into my skin before Lucifer swiftly twisted it around causing blood to splutter out of my mouth. I tried desperately to breathe through the splutters of blood as dropped to my knees and looked up into Lucifers deadly dark eyes. 

I had to admit, I was scared, I didn't want to die, not really...I knew that if we were to win this fight I had to be strong, if not for myself then for my friends because death has a way of affecting the people left behind more than the people that it claims. Lately, I had avoided death so many times that I think that people were starting to believe that I was invincible... but I wasn't, death comes for everyone eventually but I did not believe that it was time. 

A deafening roar that resembled a ground shaking battle cry echoed around the hall, drawing Lucifers attention to the far wall. A small smile grew on my face as a few seconds of complete silence passed while everyone and everything in the room searched for the source of the noise. 

A spark of strength caused through my body as a comfortingly familiar presence entered my mind, a small tear rolled down my cheek as a name appeared in my mind... Obsidian. 

"They're here" I smiled, through small coughs. 

Just as Lucier looked down at me with confusion knitted across his face the wall burst open and the large black dragon flew in and circled the hall, grabbing groups of demons in his large jaw to throw them forcefully across the room. 

I closed both of my hands around the sword that was twisted through my shoulder and tried to pull it out. Blood streamed out of my palms as I fought against Lucifers strength as I continued to pull the sword out and force myself to stand up. 

I had almost overpowered him when he switched his sword to his left hand and pulled a dagger of his belt with his right, he brought it swiftly down towards my neck but I quickly caught it in my own right hand. My hand immediately began to give off black smoke as strange toxic veins spread across my skin, wasting no more time, I put all of my strength into one last move and separated myself from Lucifer.

He stumbled back slightly as my dagger scratched across his cheek drawing a long line of crimson blood, giving me the chance to lunge forwards and pierce him through the chest. 

He let out a large gasp and looked down at dagger in surprise, he then looked back towards the wall to see more dragons and riders flooding in, killing his demons skillfully as they flew. Anger filled his purple orbs as he looked back towards me in pure hatred. 

"Enough!" he shouted grimly. "did you really think that you could kill me?" he questioned manically as he ripped the dagger out of his chest, filling me with dread. 

His coal black wings erupted from his back and he rose up with his palms facing towards me. I watched as large orange flames began to surround him in a big orb, circling his body dangerously as he rose up above us. 

"I have survived hundreds of years in hell, rising up above the demons to get to this day and you actually think that you can defeat me?" he roared angrily.

He held one of his hands out towards me, rendering me motionless. My throat closed up as I helplessly tried to take a breath, I instinctively attempted to raise up my hands to grasp my throat but Lucifer's invisible grasp prevented me from moving. 

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