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It was midday when we approached the human village. People roamed the streets like ants, bustling around with their everyday chores paying no attention to us flying overhead, small children looked up at the mythical creatures flying through the clouds with awe, running below us happily in the sunshine. Everything seemed so peaceful.

"Everybody, get ready to land!" shouted Asher pointing down to a large field.

I watched closely as he swooped down and landed Veretae gracefully onto the long, vibrant grass. I signalled Obsidian to follow and he began dropping through the sky slowly, once were close to the ground, his long claws skimmed through the grass awaiting my command. I tapped his neck in response and he landed swiftly with a small thud.

We walked over to Asher and Verity to wait for everyone else, once everyone had landed safely we dismounted.

"Remember to tell your dragons to STAY HERE, the humans see us as their protectors so we can not have our dragons flying around wreaking havoc or attacking livestock" shouted Asher in a serious tone.

I turned to Obsidian and he lowered his head to meet my gaze. I ran my hand across his glossy black scales and entered his mind.

"You must stay here, don't come looking for me I'll be fine, if I need you, I can signal you"

He purred softly and sent me reassuring emotions to let me know that he understood and would do what I asked.

"Thank you" I whispered wrapping my arms around his gigantic head.

I walked away from him reluctantly and approached the others with Max at my side.

"Everyone meet back here in five hours, and nobody leaves until we are all together. Ok?" instructed Asher.

A few people murmured in agreement.

"Good! now, go and have fun!" he said clapping his hands together.

He turned towards us and smiled warmly.

"Right, I have to go and... do something, so I will meet you later" explained Asher turning towards me.

"Ok" I replied nodding my head.

Our group of friends, consisting of me, Zack, Chase, Max, Orpheus, Verity and Sylvia turned around and walked into the village. It was in the middle of the country so it wasn't overpopulated but we still drew a lot of attention towards ourselves.

"Maybe we should have brought a change in clothes"  laughed Verity.

I laughed softly, noticing how everyone gaped at us as in wonder as we walked past.

"So, what do you want to do first?" I questioned as we walked aimlessly through the village.

"Food," said Chase plainly.

"I know a place," said Sylvia taking the lead.

We followed her through a few ally ways which she said were shortcuts before arriving at a small diner. I walked next to Orpheus and pushed open the small glass door, causing an overhead bell to ring as we entered.

The diner was small but held a cosy vibe, there were several red and white booths of varied sizes scattered around the room with low overhanging cream bell lights, there was also a bar positioned on the left side with red stools running along its side.

We advanced further into the room and took a booth in the far right corner, the booth only held enough room for six people so Verity grabbed a stool from the bar and positioned it on the end of the table.

"How come you know your way around?" questioned Zack.

"My father used to work here and would sometimes have to bring me along" shrugged Sylvia.

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