Be Ye For Us, Or Be Ye Against Us?

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The King and Queen of Annovae welcome the King of the Central Kingdom into their castle.

After minor pleasantries, the Queen asks if he would like a blue kerchief or blue pin for his visit.

"No, I think we should take this meeting to any room in which you would prefer to conduct official business. I also want to have everyone with any experience of Princess Yva's curse there as well."

There is a slight bit of foot fiddling by the others. The King of the Central Kingdom stands firm and confident.

With minor arranging, the King and Queen take their thrones in the royal hall with Princess Yva standing beside the queen's throne. Emme and "Good Fellow" (formerly the rogue) take a position off to the side.

The King of the Central Kingdom stands center in front of thrones.

"You know that a committee to review the protection society was created. I will say here that the results (with my expected vote) will be to disband that society."

There silence for a bit, but then the King of Annovae nods.

"Some news has made me aware that a citizen of my Kingdom, a woman known as Emme, is in residence in this kingdom. Today I am recalling her to my castle."

Princess Yva fidgets and appears coiled to react, but the queen lays a hand to her. They look silently and the King of Annovae nods.

Emme slumps a little with a slight shudder.

"As you know, I hold sway on the King's committee. Your Kingdom has been silent for many years (with sympathy for your missing daughter). Can you make a case today that Kingdom Annovae is suitably manned to present actual defense from attack? If not, I will ask today: for you to hand over this kingdom into governance (ending the rule of the house of Annovae)."

The Queen raises her head with a glare. Quickly the King of Annove stands and lifts her with a hand from her throne. They look deeply and with several expression changes for a while, but they remove their crowns.

The King of Annovae walks down off the throne dais and stands before the other king "I have one condition. There are many here that have served us well without actual compensation for years. They deserve pensions under any new governance."

King of the Central Kingdom says 'Agreed. I want everyone here to meet down at my carriage. Bring anything you think will be informative.' and then he turns and leaves.

The King and Queen huddle near to Yva, and the King whispers 'Take heart. He is a good man and I recognize the carriage!'

The King of Annovae grabs the box of necklace beads and sends everyone down to the carriage. He looks at the thrones and places the two crowns on the seats.

When the three members of the house of Annovae, Emme and "Good Fellow" reach the carriage outside; the King of the Central Kingdom places something into his jacket (something he got from a man of the front of the carriage).

The box of beads is handed over, and it is placed into storage with the men at the front.

The King of the Central Kingdom says 'Thank You. I was hoping you would be forthcoming with material evidence.'

The King enters his carriage and sits back. The house of Annovae slips in on the same side.

Emme and "Good Fellow" take the backward facing seating. Which is expected for common citizens (giving the more comfortable seats to noble passengers).

The carriage doors are closed and bolted from the outside, and quickly the carriage smoothly pulls away from Castle Annovae.

The carriage doors are closed and bolted from the outside, and quickly the carriage smoothly pulls away from Castle Annovae

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