Little Portraits (Central Kingdom)

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It has been nearly two weeks since the incident with Lady Violet at the Mage's Academy.

The King of the Central Kingdom enjoys some time in the study.

Men at arms were allocated to Kingdom Annovae.

His own son, was sent with a few attendants to the Dominus Castle on an inspection tour. The other Kings felt that vacant Kingdom was even less secure than Annovae.

His wife, the queen, has been very attentive to him these recent days. Even his step daughters have been extra polite.

It is well known that someday generations from now, the seven kingdoms will simply become a single kingdom. The pleasantness of the recent days; it reinforces that joining families can happen peacefully (just as Kingdoms might be joined harmoniously).

The room, with plush rugs and a nice fire, makes a lovely place to sit and think.

Something falls from the ceiling.

It lands at his feet. A tiny portrait that is no bigger than a man's hand. Very thin and without any framing. It has a smooth shiny quality, with a wide whitish-cream border.

A portrait of incredible detail. As if incredibly tiny artists all worked in the same moment to capture an instant in time.

The portrait was of Lady Violet made of white light and the magic girl copy of Princess Yva. Hand gestures and broad smiles captured as if they just pleasantly met someone on the street.

Portraits dropped down in large numbers, appearing right below the ceiling and fluttering down.

The king dodges each of them and calls for staff and the royal mages. These are surely from the Sprites. No telling what trouble these things might cause.

The royal mages confirm that there is no magic to them, but they are items of incredible interest. Not like anything anyone had ever seen.

Lady Violet and the magic girl in different and playful poses. In each one, magic girl wears different clothes. Unusual clothes. One portrait has her in a shiny crinkly armor with a round glass helmet. The smiles on their faces are very well captured by the portrait makers. Absolute realism.

They are collected and taken to a safe place. The King of the Central Kingdom is unsettled, but has a feeling. Lady Violet does not have a fixed (or cursed looking) expression. He could even hope it was a happy time for her.

Where ever the Sprites had taken her.

Where ever the Sprites had taken her

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