Chapter three

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True to her word, Tink flew back to where she'd seen the boy, and sure enough, he was still there, confirming she hadn't dreamed the whole incident. Only he was slowly starting to wake up. Hiding behind the rock, Tinkerbell watched as the boy eased himself upright sleepily, blinking his eyes, which she saw were a gorgeous dark brown. He glanced quizzingly at the leaf blanket covering him before standing up on his legs. She watched him take wobbling steps, almost as if he couldn't keep his balance. But soon he regained his balance and went off to a river nearby. She followed him secretly, watching as he plopped himself down by the riverside. He cups his hands into a crude bowl, dips them in the cool, moving water; and drinks whatever doesn't spills through the cracks. He does this a few more times, just in case. He then stands, carelessly wiping his hands dry on his torn pants as he rose. Tinkerbell was so busy watching the boy she didn't notice her wings dangerously close to a trap set by the Scout fairies. The boy jumped at the sound of a sudden snapping and a tiny yelp. Tink struggled to get  her wings free, but was rewarded for her efforts with pain. Suddenly the rope gave out and she fell a short distance before hitting a soft, leather like surface. Groaning, she rubbed her head before her blue eyes bore into the large brown ones in a face showing awe and disbelief. "Woah..."

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