Chapter Seven

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When Tinkerbell didn't show up at the workshop, Clank and Bobble went out to look for her, bringing Fawn, Rosetta, Iredessa, Silvermist, and Vidia along. "I'm not sure where she is, but I feel like she's in some kind of trouble." Bobble said. "And you guys  have checked her house and with Terrance?" Silvermist asked. "Yes. He hasn't seen her and she wasn't home." Clank said, when he suddenly bumped into something. "That's the wagon Tink was carrying lost things in when she got accidentally caught in the scout trap, but the red feather she had is missing." Fawn said. "But there's sketches of designs of clothes that I think are for a boy." Rosetta said, scanning page after page. Suddenly hearing Iredessa give a scared squeak above them, they flew up to see what had her spooked. That when the saw the outline of a giant body in the ground. "A human in our world?! We need to find Tinkerbell, then tell Queen Clarion." "You don't think it's hurt Tink, do you?" Clank uttered. "I wouldn't think so, but we should find her to be sure." Vidia said as they started looking for their friend.

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