Timothy Woods 12

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He just jumped out the window!

His dad just took him away!

The others were just as shocked as I was.

I looked down at his music note.

"I shouldn't have took this from him!"

"Now he has no chance of escaping his father!"

Swift growled "We have to catch his dad!"

Miss. Cuffer walked in "Where's Alexander?"

"Don't worry, his dad took him."

"But we're going to get him back!"

I expected her to panic, but instead, she growled.

"That stupid man!"

She stomped out without telling us anything more.

"... Okay then, what's the plan?"

Everyone was deadly silent.

"We don't even know where he is."

Sunspark sighed "Maybe we should check on his mom?"

We all agreed and ran downstairs.

Miss. Cuffer was calling the police and stuffing guns into her purse.

"Uh Ma'am?"

"Listen, I know this is hard, but we will get him back."

She threw a knife at us.

We barely dodged.

She hissed "You've already failed at keeping my son from him."

She growled "I'll get him back myself!"

She threw something in the air.

"Dark transformation!"

A mask appeared on her face.

Swift swallowed "Uh!? Guys!"

She grinned "There's no need for any of you now!"

She blasted us all with a beam.

I managed to break free and roll to the side.

But the others disappeared in thin air.

She laughed and hovered off of the ground.

"Goodbye heroes!"

I jumped out the window and ran to warn the girls.

Beautyqueen and Darkstar would want to hear this.

Evan Walker

Where are the heroes!?

I haven't seen them or my friends in so long.

Maybe they were captured!

I couldn't believe it when the news said that Alexander was a super hero!

Of course I knew that, but other people know now as well!

How did I know?

... It's personal... Anyway, now he's gone.

Everyone thinks he turned evil.

But I think something else is going on here.

His dad probably finally got him.

But I know he'll come back.

And if he doesn't... I'll have to get him myself.

I sat in front of the TV.

I stroked my tail as I watched.

The point on the end could pierce through bone.

I have to be careful with it.

At this point your probably wondering what I am.

Why do I have a tail?

You'll all see soon enough.

Right now, let's just see how long it takes for the heroes to return.

... If they ever do.

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