Cameron Harp 14

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I never realized how scary super villains can be.

I watched as classmates ran out the school.

Meanwhile, I got knocked over and was now stuck in the wall way.

Why not just get up and run? Right?

The problem is, I'm in a wheel chair.

Yeah, not fun.

I sighed and tried to push myself up.

But I was worthless.

Now that crazy new supervillain is coming.

She'll get me!

I dragged myself across the floor.

"Help! Someone!?"

I heard the villains laugh.

Man, I was in big trouble.

She floated down the hallway.

I sat up and watched her.

Maybe she'd just... Leave me alone?

But she grinned at me.

"Can't walk huh?"

I shook my head "They knocked over my wheel chair."

Her hand lit up.

"That's too bad, now your going to die."

"Uh... Before you do kill me, why are you attacking so many people?"

She hissed "So my son will come out of hiding, then I'll catch him!"


She growled "Quiet, I'm done talking to you!"

A beam came towards me.

I gasped and covered my face.

... But it never hit me.

I opened my eyes and saw a wolf blocking the attack.

I smiled "I thought you left me!"

He sent the beam flying at her.

Birds flew around her.

Pecking her over and over.

The wolf lifted me up on his back and helped me into my wheelchair.

"Thanks, I think I'm okay now."

But they would never leave me so easy.

The wolf turned into a human and pushed my wheelchair outside.

"Really, I'm okay."

He frowned "She almost killed you, we can't let our master get hurt."

I sighed but didn't argue.

The Blue Jay landed and turned into a boy.

"Man! That was epic!"

The wolf just glared at him.

"What!? I kicked some villain butt over there!"

"Shut up Jayden."

Jayden ignored him and continued to reenact the fighting scene.

Timothy Woods

I met with the girls in my alley.

I'm actually an orphan.

My mom and dad both gave me up for adoption and... I ran away.

Everyone thinks I have nice parents... But I don't.

Kate is the mayors daughter.

She has a perfect little family.

All villains are different.

Darkstar frowned "So... We need to get them back... Or Alexander's mom will destroy everyone?"

"... Yes, but how do we get them back!?"

"Or Alexander!?"

"There's no more superheroes!"

We all sat down and tried to think of a plan.

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