Alexander Cuffer 15

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I glared at my dad from the sofa.

He was at his desk, probably thinking of an evil plot to kill someone.

He glanced up at me.

My hands had to be chained behind me and hooked to the the sofa, just to keep me from escaping.

I still glared at him as he stood.

"Listen pal, I know you must... Really hate me-."

"Hate doesn't fully explain how I feel about you right now." I hissed.

"More like despise or loathe."

He frowned and walked over to me.

"You can't hate me, I'm your dad."

"You can't hate your family."

I growled "Your a incompetent uncaring filthy ignorant rat of a villain!"

"You're so disgusting, the garbage truck wouldn't take you!"

"Your very existence is shame on all human beings!"

"I wouldn't care if you died right this moment!"

He blinked and bent down in front of me.

"Your mother really taught you well."

He put his hand on my face.

I turned and almost bit his finger off.

"Don't touch me!"

He frowned and sat down by me.

He slipped me onto his lap and smiled.

"Why don't you just let me go!? I'm never going to love you!"

"I'm never going to be a villain!"

"Why am I still here!?"

He slowly traced my cheek with his finger.

"Because your my son... And I can't have your mother use you against me."

He put his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

I growled and pulled away from him.

"Don't touch me! Don't ever touch me!"

He narrowed his eyes.

"Your right, I am a villain."

His arms got tighter around me.

He put his mouth by my ear and whispered.

"But I'm also your dad."

"And your my son."

"But... Your also a hero."

"Which would you rather me treat you as?"

I didn't want to see how he would treat me as a hero.

He's already scared me with his serious tone.

"S-son, as your son."

He smiled and loosened his grip.

"Even so, I am a villain."

"And I act like one too."

He grabbed my face and made me look at him.

"And don't think for a second, that I won't hurt you if you try anything."

I swallowed and nodded.

He let go of me and stood up.

He walked back to his desk and sat down.

I took in a scared breath.

My only hope right now, was my friends.

Hopefully they're on their way now.

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