Alexander Cuffer 22

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I groaned and opened my eyes.

All I saw was black.


I tried to move, but my hands were tied behind my back.

"Wh-what's going on!?"

I heard someone chuckle and slowly untie my blindfold.

"You slept awhile, Alex."

The blindfold was untied and moved from my eyes.

I blinked and looked at the person in front of me.


He smiled and ruffled my hair.

"What's going on!? Where am I!?"

His body glowed and changed into the weird demon boy.

I stared at him "Evan!?"

He just grinned "What's wrong? Didn't realize your happy little friend was a demon did you!?"

I stared at him with big eyes.


He laughed at my expression.

"Listen, I would normally kill you but... I can't."

"... Why not?"

He glared at me "That's personal, but anyway, I'll just have to keep you."

He grabbed something from behind him and held it up.

I stared at collar that dangled in front of my face.

"Nice huh? Every pet deserves a good collar."

He put it around my neck and made sure it was tight.

I frowned and looked at Evan.

"Why do you even want me!? I'm not a hero anymore!"

Evan just unchained my hands and put a chain on my collar.

"Come on boy."

He began pulling me out the door.

"Let go!" I snarled at him bitterly.

Evan stopped and turned to me.

"Listen pet, I'm the boss of you now and if you don't listen to me, I'll have no problem correcting you."

His teeth gleamed "Do you understand, Alex?"

I swallowed and nodded.

He continued pulling me out and down the hall.

"... They'll save me."

Evan laughed "They all think your dead!"

He pulled me into a small room and had me sit down.

"That plane that you were supposed to be on, had crashed."

He smirked "Thanks to me."

"So they all think you died when the plane exploded, they're having your funeral soon."

I stared at him "N-no way! They wouldn't be tricked so easily!"

But Evan just cracked up laughing.

"Oh Alexander Leonardo Cuffer, you have no idea the mess I've already made."

He leaned forward, just an inch from my face.

"And I'm going to do so much more."

He dragged his long black nails down my chin.

"Now, be a good boy and sing me a song."

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