Chapter 1 - Moving (Edited)

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Rose POV:
"Rose come on. We don't want to miss our airplane, "

"Coming dad, " I yelled from upstairs.

It was the day that my dad and I were leaving New York City to go live in a small town not very known to alot of people. My curious self asked about its name and googled everything to know about it.

Apperantly, its history was filled with horrible crimes such as murders, kidnappings, stealing... It was even known as "The Death Town".

Not creepy at all...

I was even surprised that not even my friends heard about it. Maybe because now crimes and murders were terribly increasing and spreading all around the world. The worst part is, no one seems to know what caused it. This town seemed to me one of its causes. I know crazy, but the first ever crime that was ever recorded happened in that town.

Even though I was scared as hell to go there, and wished that I didn't find out about its history last night—which made me even more terrified— no matter how I felt, I had to go there.

Simply because my mother was face to face with cancer merely when I was ten years old. I am the only child and that left my dad to do whatever he can to save the woman he loved.  Unfortunately, that didn't work and she died two years ago. Since then, my dad and I tarvelled across the country to find a place where we can afford. If dad thinks going to that terrible town will help us then I won't argue.

I was upset though, because I was leaving my friends here when I stayed for my junior year. I will miss my best friend the most, she was always there for me to cheer me up when I needed her.

The next thing I knew, I was sitting in a plane listening to some music from my earphones. It was a very long flight so I decided to just go to sleep. I was really tensed just thinking about living there for a whole year. I mean what if—Oh come on! Sure it was a small town surrounded by creepy forests and filled with crimes... But what could possibly go wrong ?!

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