Chapter 29 - The Next Heir (Edited)

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Rose POV :
I groaned when the light woke me up from my sleep. I tried to cover my eyes with my hand but it was no use. The lights were just too annoying to bare. I yawned thinking I should  probably wake up now. What time was it anyway? And why the bed was suddenly uncomfortable?

Wait a second.....

I remembered everything that happend. Dad, Jason, Luke, Zack and me drowning in a lake. I opened my eyes and sat up. I was sitting on a floor. When I opened my eyes I only got blinded from the light and a bit dizzy since I sat up quickly. Am I dead?

Once my vision was clear I gasped at my surrounding. Everything was pure white. The floor I was sitting on was so clean and shiny that I could see my reflection. I looked at the room one more time to see that I was actually in the middle of a long corridor that was endless. I noticed that the wall on my right had windows that were few inches away from each other. But over all everything was snow white.

I gasped when I heard footsteps coming closer behind me. I immediately stood up and turned around. I was frozen when I saw a beautiful lady wearing satin white gown that reached her ankles. She was flawless. I, on the other hand,  stood wearing the same clothes I had on and a nest for a hair.

"I was expecting your arrival Rose. "she said with her soft voice.

"Who are you? Where am I? Am I dead? "I was confused. I would say I was dreaming but everything felt so real.

She laughed and said" No you are not dead.. I sent you here."

Was that supposed to satisfy me? My other questions were ignored obviously. She seemed to see my confused and scared face.

"Follow me Rose."

She walked besides me then continues walking ahead. She turned her head and signaled for me to follow. Could I trust her? She didn't look evil? What if it was a trap?

She gave me a reassuring smile.  I guess I had no choice. I walked next to her. The whole time, I was mesmerized by this place. I was surprised that I still couldn't see the end of this corridor. She broke the silence.

"You probably are confused and have lots of questions. " she looked at me and I nodded.

"I don't know if you heard of me but I am the Moon Goddess. "

My jaw dropped. Moon Goddess?  As
the goddess that makes mates and I don't know what?

"You are in my castle. Your soon to be home."

I was still catching flies with my mouth. My home? She looked at me and smiled. I could see that she was holding a laugh.

"I think your friends have told you that you were the first human mate. But actually that isn't true. Your mother was the first one. "

My mom? That was impossible. My parents didn't know anything about this. I was pretty sure that my dad was human.

"She was Rob's mate, Jason's uncle,  He was madly in love with her despite her being human... Once she knew who he really is, she ran away from him. She started a life on her own. "

Was this true? I felt tears in my eyes that I never knew this about my mom. I listened carefully to hear what more she was about to say.

"He, on the other hand, lived in depression and anger. He hated humans since then. His father was Alpha to Lunar Blood Pack, the most respected and strongest pack in the world. Unfortunately he and his brother made a small pack of their own which was made to torture humans as they please and to find his mate to kill her. "

"Then his brother found his mate and became Alpha when their father died. He hasld two children. He became wiser and told his brother to stop this madness. That only made Rob angry. His rage increased when he somehow heard about the prophecy. He wanted to find your mother and her family and kill them. He wanted to spread out the word, so he killed his brother and his mate and became Alpha. Soon everyone started to obey his commands. "

I now felt tears running down my cheeks. I kinda know what happened then.

"One of his men found them. He told him to make her death slow, so he added wolfsbane to her system. It is unknown to the human world. Then he told him to kill her daughter immediately. He was about to attack you in the woods but I was bound to protect you. "

I widened my eyes in realization. She was the one who saved me from the brown wolf when I was ten.

"It was you? But what did you do to him."my voice came out in a whisper.

"Yes it was me. I made him think he killed you because I knew Rob wouldn't stop until you die. "

"But why? He really was determined to kill me.... "I paused when I remembered something she didn't explain. Seriously did this corridor end? "What is the prophecy?  "

"The prophecy says that the first born daughter to the first human mate will gain so much power and knowledge to stop this war that has started. She will be the next Heir to the crown. She will be the next Moon Goddess. It is you Rose. "

"Rob got mad when he knew that it wouldn't be his daughter. That is why he wanted to kill you before you realize your true abilities. What he didn't know, that you will be mated to that pack's true Alpha. He is part of the prophecy as well. He will help you in your journey due to his high position."

I knew she was talking about Jason. "But how am I supposed to stop it? "

I felt that my tears were betraying me. I was trying to be strong but more tears were staining my cheeks. Just the thought that my parents died because of me, and that my mother never had the life she deserved saddened me. I didn't blame her. I was scared too when I knew who Jason was, but he showed me his true self which was masked by his uncle raising.

"You will know... You've come so far... You will figure it out."

"But I can't be a Moon Goddess... I hardly know anything about supernaturals... "

"That is why you have a mate and friends to help you. "

I was deep in thoughts. Was I ready to change my life? And be the most powerful creature? Just thinking about it sent shivers to my body. Would I be able to be with Jason?

I turned my head to ask her, but I gulped when I saw that she was walking away from me and fading away.

"Where are you going? "I yelled so she could hear me.

She stopped and turned to look at me. "Now that you know everything, it is time for me to go and let you handle things your way. It is also time for you to go back... Remember...  the way back here is through the moonlight. "

She turned again and started walking towards a light. Where did these keep coming from? And what does she mean handle things my way? I wasn't ready yet.

"No...  No... Come back... "

She slowly started to disappear. That was when I realized that I was also fading into the light.

The next thing I knew, I was surrounded by white light. I felt my clothes ripping apart and I was moving down as if I was falling.

I opened my eyes once again. I was BACK. Back to the lake! This time it was behind me and I was standing on the grass. I looked up and saw the moon shining on me. It felt like it was smiling on me. I smiled a bit.

I gasped when I saw a panic looking Jason standing infront of me few feets away. He looked pale and tired. His clothes were ripped in some parts and he had bruises and cuts on his body. He just stared at me top to bottom with an open mouth and wide eyes.

"Jason... "I breathed out.

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