Chapter 6 - Caught (Edited)

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Jason POV:
I felt furious when Diana raised her hand. I knew she was up to something, and I was planning to find out.

"Jason, you seem off today," Mr. Jefferson declared.

Man! How much he was pain in the-

"Why do you care? " I snapped.

"Watch it Mr. Black or you'll have detention, " he warned.

I rolled my eyes at his stupid way to shut me up, nontheless I stayed quite because I found it useless to argue with him. I kept staring furiously at my sister for the rest of the class while trying to figure out her little plan.

I couldn't concentrate in class-not that I care-but I didn't want my mind to be over flowing with ideas about her-a human. I still couldn't believe that I had her for a mate.

The Moon Goddess must be retarded.

~. ~. ~. ~. ~. ~. ~.

The vanilla scent filled my nossils again when I first opened the cafeteria's doors. I tried my best to gain control over my wolf as he was trying to claw his way out again. We sat on our usual table and the guys started to have a conversation between them selves, I kept my thoughts to myself because I wasn't really paying any attention to them.

"Well look who is sitting with Diana, " Zack remarked.

On second thoughts, I would love to hear this.

"I say let's have some fun with the new kid, " Zack suggested smugly.

I knew exactly what he was planning to do, judging by the way he carried his coffee, but the time I was in conflict with my wolf about whether or not should I stop him, Zack and Luke both stood up from their chairs and walked to their table.

Just as he was right behind Rose's chair, he spilled his coffee all over Rose's chest and stomach. She screamed in pain and clutched her shirt away from her body to prevent any burn. I flinched at her screaming and the way her eyes filled with tears. I tightened my grip on my legs as I watched her run right out of the cafeteria's doors. I was seconds away from beating Zack up then checking if she was okay, but to let everyone know that I care about her-that she was my mate?! No way!

'Why are you ignoring her Jason she is our mate, ' Ian-my wolf-growled.

'Yeah you keep telling yourslef that, but she is not our mate. Humans and werewolves are not meant to be with each other and you know that,' I remarked. He didn't answer after that and I couldn't ask for anything better. I was not in the mood for any of his comments. However, the more I replay the image in my mind, the more I feel like I want Zack's blood on my teeth.

Zack and Luke came back while snickering triumphly at each other.

"Zack," I snarled.

"Yeah, " he answered but payed not a shred of attention to me as he was high fiving the other guys and suggesting a new humiliating technique.

"You know, what we should do next is-"

I stood up quickly from my seat making the chair behind me fall to the ground with a thud, now that I got everyone's attention, I stomped my way towards Zack and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"I think you already done enough, " I calmly but dangerously whispered into his ugly face.

Shivers were seen on his arms and nothing was more satisfying to me than seeing him scared. I released my grib making sure I gave him a good deathly glare before walking out the doors just as the bell rang.

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"Diana, " I yelled when I saw her getting out of school.

"Yes brother, " she smirked.

I stood infront of her while fuming with anger, she on the other hand, was smiling as if the greatest sin she has ever made was slapping a fly.

"Why did you volantered to be the one to show Rose around? I know you're not that kind, "

"Why do you even-"

"Just answer the question Diana, "I cut her off.

"Fine. I wanted to make new friends, " she chirped.

"I am not stupid, you already have lots of friends in school and in the pack so answer the damn question, "

"Well I am not also stupid Jason, I have seen the way you looked at her. You can't keep your eyes off of her and that is not usual for you. I even saw how tensed you were when she entered the class and when the principle introduced her, "

I was actually stunned. I didn't know I was that obvious and I didn't know she was that observative.

"I then knew she was probably your mate," sighing she continued, " and I know you don't want her to be, so I wanted to get to know her more before you judge her like that,"

Of course, blame it on me that she was born so weak, I mean human.

"She really seems like a nice person Jason. Besides a werewolf never had a human for a mate so maybe it was for a cause. Think about it, it can end this war, "

"Who said I wanted it to end. Humans are getting what they deserve, they should be extinct, " I said through clenched teeth.

I couldn't take it anymore, I ran from her ignoring her calls. I just wanted to take my mind out of everything that had happened today. I shifted into my huge black wolf and ran into the forest.

'Werewolves and humans can never have peace among them selves. They are worthless and they don't deserve to live. Humans are pathetic. That is why we kill them and have the pleasure while doing so' Rob's words rang in my ear. He was my uncle and the Alpha currently. He was the one who raised me and Diana after humans killed our parents. He took the Alpha position until I was old enough to take it.

What if Diana was right? No one had a human for a mate. Could it be a way to bring peace among us? But why did the Moon Goddess chose me? Will I accept it?

Certainly not.

As I was running something took my attention. There was a scent. I didn't smell it before in the forest but I know who it belonged to. The next thing I know I was following it. I saw Rose walking on the sidewalk. She seemed relax now walking towards her home after what happened in school. She was singing something and swinging her hips to the rythem. That made me smile a little. She was so adora-I hate my self.

Suddenly a car passed next to her. I recognized Zack, Brad and Marcus' scents. I saw how Zack chased her and without shame, he kicked and punched her. I saw how she begged him to stop, but he was so caught up in his anger. He never heard her. She started coughing blood, but he didn't care. Finally he got pulled away by Marcus before I went in. 

My blood boiled at what I just witnessed. Zack wouldn't get away with this when I clearly told him to stay away from her. There was a part of me that was angry at me, Ian was a growling mess in my head.

I should have protected her.

I shook the thought away as I watched her slowly hold her self up. She started limping her way to where I assume her home was. Seeing her like that fued my anger.

'Follow her, make sure she was okay,' Ian snarled at me.

I didn't argue for once and followed her. She was walking in pain and clenching her stomach while tears ran down her cheeks. She reached the house and painfully opened it, when she fully entered, I sprinted to it. The house was only one story, so it wasn't difficult to sniff her and find out where she was. I reached a window where I saw her sitting on the ground sobbing out loud. My heart clenched at the scene.

She didn't really deserve this.

I swear when I get to the pack house I'm gonna beat Zack up.

No one will ever torture her. No one will ever touch her.

Except for me.

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