Chapter 17 - Memory (Edited)

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Jason POV :
"I-I-I don't know what happened... I was just walking when I found him."Ed said. Clearly he was confused.

After I heard him howl I ran to the place it came from. Weirdly, I was in front of the cell where we kept the rogue. The only difference was that the door was slammed open and a nervous Ed was standing infront of it.

I didn't understand what was he saying until I got in the cell and I saw a scene that made me so angry I let out a roar.

Laying on his back on the floor, and his head was tilted to the left which made his dead eyes stare at you constantly. Blood and bite marks covered his whole body. Some of his skin was ripped off and thrown on the floor. His neck was twisted in an awkward angle as his skin was ripped apart like the rest of the skin on his body. He even had bald spots on his head because it was obviously gripped too hardly.

When I came closer to the dead rogue we had captive, I saw a white piece of paper folded next to him colored with drops of blood and mud.

I reached to it and held it between my fingers. I slowly opened it trying not to rip it...Yet. I saw the words that scared me the most. I clenched my jaw and felt my eyes tear a bit but the amount of rage I had made it impossible to even cry. My wolf growled inside my head and I felt it rumbling in my chest.

Dear Jason,
I rarely give second chances, but this stupid fool had to mess up again so I ended his life. She was supposed to be dead long time ago. But don't worry, your little human mate will be dead soon in my arms.

The one and only,

I gripped the paper in my hands and threw it on the ground. I told Ed to clean this mess while I shifted back to my wolf form and ran.

Who was 'B'? How did he know that she was my mate? Why did he try to kill her before even though I didn't know her back then?

I sighed internally when I realized there was only one way to get answers, and that was to go there.

Where he was.

~. ~. ~. ~. ~. ~.

Rose POV :
It's been a week since I found out my mommy had cancer. I wanted to get some fresh air so I took a walk in the forest. Even though I was wearing a short white dress, I just needed this walk so I didn't care if it gets dirty.

I walked besides the trees, they were my only comfort, my friends. The sun was setting which made a beautiful color at the horizon, a mix of my favorite colors. The trees were nicely warm and cosy because the sleeping sun covered them with an orange-yellow blanket.

I suddenly stopped in my tracks. I turned around when I realized I walked way too far. My daddy was probably getting worried. When I was about to walk again I heard a stick snap.

I froze as fear consumed me and shivers went flying down my whole body. I turned around to see who was there. But when I turned, I was only faced with an animal's growl.

I widened my eyes and I did the first thing that came to my little mind. Ran. I ran as fast as my little ten years old feet could take me. I was running and I could feel that, whatever it was, was catching up. I was being chased.

Out of nowhere, a brown wolf came jumping in front of me. I stepped backwards to only be tripped by a branch and I fell to a sitting position. The wolf came closer, baring his teeth at me.

He made an attack position and jumped at me. But before he reached me, a light that looked like a glowing ball came from behind me and hit the wolf in his head which made him drop mid-air laying unconscious on the floor.

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