Chapter Twenty-Three

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I wanted to start this up by saying I'm sorry. I haven't uploaded in a very very long time. I went through some stuff that made me drop everything that made me happy. Now that I am starting to get out of this I am trying to take up writing again. Thank you for understanding and I'm sorry <33

(Please read the ending of the previous chapter, I have made some changes thank you!)

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   Everything seemed to be perfect. Everyone was happy and calm and everything seemed to be in perfect harmony... That was what I was dreaming about when the whole ordeal happened.

I woke up startled from my nap, hearing doors banging. The fuck? I thought to myself and got up. I opened my door, peaking at the hallway. Lando was there, looking confused and frightened. "What happened?" I asked sleepily. "Uhm... Noah... He was mean" he replied and went to his room with a frown.

I frowned and put my hoodie on, walking to Noah's bedroom. I heard mumbling and thuds coming from inside so I knocked slowly. The mumbling stopped "Cant I have a moment of peace in this fucking place?". I was taken aback by his aggressive tone "I..uh.. it's me. I just wanted to check up on you" I replied softly. A few seconds passed before he unlocked the door.

I opened it slowly. "Hey" I went inside and closed the door behind me. "Wanna talk about it?" I asked quietly. He shot me a look of disbelief and anger. "You know what I want? I want you to leave me the hell alone. The only reason you're here is that you are a drama magnet. Ever since you came here you destroyed everything. The relationship with my parents, the relationship with my brother, the relationship with any girl in a 50-kilometre radius. It's just incredible how oblivious you are. Your 'kindness' isn't helping anyone y'know, it's just destructive... and you like it" he spat while pacing up and down his room.

I was staring at him while he was ranting. Tears were running down my face as I was listening to the reasons why he hated me. He turned and looked at me but when he met my teary eyes it seemed like what he said has just become a reality. "Oli, I am so s--"

"No." I said and wiped my tears with my sleeve. "You're right" I fumed with a bitter smile. "I only tried to help everyone and I have made everything worse. I'm glad you pointed it put to me" I sighed and put my hand on the doorknob.

"Kiss me" he whispered and it sounded like a demand and a plea at the same time. I blushed, looking down, and squeezed the doorknob. "Please don't leave, we need you. I need you. I need to have one perfect thing in my life." he sniffled quietly. His voice was cracking and shaking.

I turned around and went close to him. I tried to make eye contact but his navy blue eyes were hiding from mine. I lightly caressed his cheek, finally resting my hand on his nape and pulled him closer into a kiss. His breath shortened but he seemed to surrender both his body and his soul. He was crying.

He pulled away first and looked at me. I looked at him back and brushed his hair away from his eyes softly. "Come on, you need to rest" I told him softly and tucked him in his bed. He looked up at me and I smiled trying to conceal how hurt I was.

I stayed with him until he cried himself to sleep. He was just crying quietly as I stroked his hair. We weren't speaking, we were both just thinking about our own thing.

I was thinking about how everything he said was right. My actions were a burden on this family and I needed to fix that.

When I was sure he was asleep I exited the room as quietly as possible and walked down the hallway. I knocked on Eithan's door and he opened with a warm smile. His smile faded when he saw my cold expression. "What's up?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

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