Chapter 33 "Strawberries and chocolate"

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Sophie's POV

"Wait...Did you just say you're a Virgin?"


I answered timidly, all of a sudden feeling shy.

Colour rised to my cheeks as I heard him. He was looking at me with an unreadable expression. I didn't know how he would react listening to this. I don't even know what to expect from him. I mean, it's not like I've ever talked to some guy about this.

Maybe he will be disgusted?

Or scared?

Or...I don't know.

All of a sudden, I was feeling very insecure of what he will think of me because of this. I don't want him to get scared away because of this.

But instead, he shocked me when his face lightened with a breath taking smile, showing his perfect white straight teeth. His eyes were literally shining with awe and amazement and looking at me like with great affection. I know I wasn't imagining it. Even in my dreams I couldn't imagine him like this.

It was creating a whirlpool in my mind and a hurricane of emotions swirl in my heart. How can someone make you feel this way with just a single look?

"I'm glad."

He whispered and caressed my cheek one last time and smiled at me softly.

I was about to ask him what he meant by that but he stopped caressing my cheek and pulled away abruptly.

He turned around the bedside table and held the tray again before placing it in front of carefully making sure I was comfortable. That's when I noticed what was in the tray.

It was filled with mouth watering food. There was a plate filled with waffles which were completely covered in chocolate syrup, maybe too much chocolate syrup but I wasn't complaining. There was a bowl filled with freshly cut strawberries and blueberries and some other fruits, with a glass of orange juice. It looked delicious. And there was just so much.

"You made this?"

I asked looking at Alex incredulously.

He looked at me proudly as he said,

"No. But I helped in making this."

"Really? What did you do?" I asked, genuinely curious.

I would have never thought that Alex could cook. That also this delicious looking food. It looked absolutely out of some food magazine and decorated to make it look perfect.

"I poured the chocolate syrup."

He answered still smiling at me, looking really proud of his contribution making this while I just stared at him in amusement.

Never would I have ever thought that my big bad boss will be so childlike at heart.

"Here, take this. It will help you with your hangover."

He said as he gave an advil pill to ease the pounding in my head and further added,

"And you will finish all of this. Not leaving anything." He said looking at me sternly.

Did he seriously think I could finish all of this food alone?

I looked at him horrified. I can't eat it all.

"But I can't eat all of this. There is so much."

I tried to protest but he just gave me a sharp look, stopping me from further arguing with him on this.

Irresistible Attraction Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora