Chapter 39 "Autumn Magic"

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First of all, let's take a moment to appreciate this beautiful cover made by mermaidsxmacaroons

First of all, let's take a moment to appreciate this beautiful cover made by mermaidsxmacaroons

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How do you feel when you finally get something that you've been wanting since forever?

When finally your wishes come true and your dreams turn into reality?

Fuck. That sounds so girly.

But at this point in my life, I don't care.

Because that is exactly what I'm feeling right now.

So Fucking happy.

It's been three whole weeks since I asked Sophie to be my girlfriend and she said yes. And I can say that I'm really getting more and more attached to her as the days pass by. Everyday I get to know her a lit bit more and It just confirms my feeling towards her and makes me fall in love with her all over again.



I'm in love with her and I really want to tell her the same but I can't. It will be too fast and I don't want to scare her off. This is all new to me but this is all new to her too. And I don't mind even a bit to wait for her. Till then I just want to spend every time I get with her and show her how beautiful and such a wonderful feeling it is to be with someone who you longed for.

Right now, I'm driving through the busy roads of New York City going to Sophie's house. It's a Saturday, so it was her day off. She called me earlier this afternoon to invite me to spend this evening with her, in her apartment and I of course, I agreed. I would never pass up on any opportunity to spend more time with her.

While driving, I looked around the streets and it was so beautiful.

It's October again. The golden month.




Everything orange.

Crisp and perfect.

One of the most beautiful times of the year and my favorite season, Fall. There are no days better than those of a fine October.

The trees and roads were covered in beautiful leaves, which appeared to be more gorgeous than ever. The streets looked so lovely in the autumn, covered in all red and golden with heaps of rustling leaves. The atmosphere filled with mellow warmth but with a tinge of cold. The maple trees and oaks along the roadway were a beautiful sight. The awfully bright colours looked so delightful and just seeped through the hearts. The sunrays appeared to be gentler and cozier during this time of the year. And even more golden.

I looked around the beautiful New York streets and it was a glorious sight as the shops were decorated in different coloured light, the atmosphere so delightful. The children dressed in sweater and warm clothes and beanies, wearing big goofy smiles as they skipped from shop to shop, along with their families, buying candies, Halloween costumes, clothes and all type of things as the festive season came closer.

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