Chapter 40 - "Addiction"

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Alexander's POV

I was working in my office and desperately waiting for lunch break. Constantly looking at the watch on my wrist.

This day feels so damn long. I absolutely loath Mondays.

It's been a really hectic day today for me and for Sophie as well. God... I can't wait for the lunch break and spend some time with her.


Still a few minutes until lunch break.

Good thing was that even though it's been a busy day but I'm almost done for today. Hopefully I'll be able to leave soon today with Sophie. Seriously, I constantly miss that damn girl whenever she's not around me. She really is growing on me. The thing that keeps me going these days is the time we spend together. Even though I spend most of the time with her, I always try find more reasons to be with her.

There are so many addictions in this world - Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sex...but the most dangerous and strongest of them all is Love. Ironically, it is also the most beautiful and satisfying. Because it doesn't only satisfy the body temporarily but the soul permanently. It is that high that constantly looms over your mind and heart throughout all day and you simply cannot get rid of it. Your day starts with their smile and ends with their soft caress. You start noticing their smallest of things and it turns into a hobby. To memorize the curve of their lips, the texture of their skin, the feel of their caress, the smoothness of their voice, the gleam of their smile... You just keep falling deeper and deeper into this abyss and honestly, you don't feel like ever getting out of this high. It's that addicting. Even the sound of their laugh sounds sweeter than the wind chimes. You lose all control over everything because you're not your own anymore. You happily surrender to them.

I'm really in too deep now.

A soft knock on the door interrupted my chain of thoughts.

"Come in." I said in reply.

The door opened revealing Sophie, dressed in a simple soft brown colored dress and her hair up in a ponytail but a few strands of hair managed to escape and framed her face beautifully. Her face was left bare except the pink lip gloss and still she looked goddamn perfect.

She entered my cabin and said greeted me 'hey..' with a smile on her lips.

"You know that you don't really have to knock, right?" I said, one eyebrow quirked up.

"I know but still...We're in office and here you are not just my boyfriend but my boss. We have to act professionally." Came her reply.

I smiled hearing her say that. It still feels so surreal that I'm her boyfriend and second I'm her boss too. Never would I've ever thought that I'll be dating. That too my secretary.

I noticed she was still standing near the door so I called her,

"Why are you standing so far? Come here."

She smiled at me and obeyed. She came around my desk and settled to stand just beside me and leaned on the desk while still facing me.

The mild but still intoxicating smell of her wafted in the air around as soon as she near. She smelled like gingerbread and cocoa.

I'd love to have a bite.

"Close enough?" she asked, looking at me expectantly.

Instead of answering, I simply grabbed her by the waist pulled her towards me until she fell on my lap with a squeal which turned into a soft laugh. I wrapped my arm around waist and with my other hand I grabbed her knee softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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