stenbrough one-shot

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i was speaking to clouddless on tumblr yesterday and they wrote this lovely and brilliant one-shot that you should definitely read! go follow them on wattpad and tumblr!!

"that was fantastic, stan! you went a little too high at some parts, but that's really it. if we have time, we'll run through it again. alright, take ten ladies and gents!" mrs. robinson exclaimed, clasping her hand together. the cast and crew fell into small conversations as they fell into small groups. stan grabbed his water bottle and script that he had placed near the front of the stage and hopped off, scanning the room for somewhere to sit. his eyes landed at a table that occupied two other people, which he recognized as stuttering bill from chemistry and beverly marsh from spanish. as he made his way there, he looked over his notifications and rolled his eyes at the spam of texts richie had sent him asking about homework. he got to the table and took a seat across from the bill and beverly, who merely glanced at him and carried on with their conversation. stan answered richie's texts with the homework followed with him telling richie to shut up, and he set his phone on the table. he opened his water bottle and looked over his script as he drank, looking at what scene was next. although, he really didn't need to look because he knew heathers like he knew the back of his hand.
stanley uris was a theater nerd and he wasn't ashamed of it. he had started listening to musicals back in freshman year, with heathers coincidentally being the first one he listened to. now in his junior year, stanley was cast as the male lead, jd, and he couldn't have been more thrilled. stan could talk about musicals until his tongue fell off. there was just something about it that left him feeling happy and how the actors conveyed so much emotion through songs really inspired him. his phone vibrated against the table, but he could see bill and beverly look down at his phone through his peripheral vision.
"isn't that the guy from wuh-wonder?" bill spoke up, referring to stan's lockscreen. stan put down his script and he could see his phone lit up as he recieved more texts from richie. stan mumbled something under his breath as he grabbed his phone and powered it off. he looked back at bill, who was looking at him with a small smirk and stan felt his cheeks heat up and he tried to casually cover it with his hand. he nodded at bill, acknowledging his question.
"yeah, it's daveed diggs. he was also in a musical, and that's him being in the musical, um, yeah." stan answered awkwardly, and he could tell there was no point in hiding his blush at this point. bill nodded with a grin, and beverly spoke up beside him.
"hamilton, right? when i went to see wonder, there was this girl in front of me who kept gasping every time he came on screen and would tell her friends that he was from hamilton everytime. she was like 10, it was adorable." beverly chuckled and stan laughed. stan had known beverly for a while, for she has been on the crew for all the school plays since freshman year, but bill was new this year. stan wondered what made him want to join.
"oh, i saw huh-hamilton! yeah, in chu-chicago this suh-summer. it was really cool, but the second act was kinda buh-boring." bill added in, and stan gasped, shaking his head.
"first off, you're so lucky, i'd do anything to see hamilton," stan began, pausing to take a quick sip of water. "and second, the second act is not boring. i mean, the first act is the better act, but the second act was just as good." stan objected. bill shrugged in response and let out a 'meh'.
beverly listened to the two bicker in amusement for a solid five minutes, pretending she was reading over the script. the conversation ended with bill letting out an exasperated sigh and stan grinning in triumph. "and that's why, bill denbrough, the second act was not boring." stan concluded, using finger quotes when saying boring. bill rolled his eyes playfully, holding his hands up in mock defense, replying by saying, "i guess you guh-got me there, uris."
the table fell silent for a moment when betty ripsom, who was playing veronica, interrupted their conversation to ask stan a question, but it quickly resumed after he answered her question. "do you listen to any other musicals?" stan asked and bill shook his head.
"i only really saw huh-hamilton cuz my mom l-likes it. my friend e-eddie likes 'em though." bill answered and stan nodded. stan would be lying if he said he wasn't bummed in the slightest. he didn't really know anyone else who liked musicals as much as he did, so when he was able to have a solid debate with bill about hamilton, it did bring a little joy to him.
"oh, i know eddie. yeah, we've talked a couple of times. well if you don't like musicals, what do you like?" stan enquired and a sheepish grin fell over bill's face. he started to twiddle with his thumbs and looked away from stan.
"okay, don't call me a luh-loser-"
"i'd never call you a loser, big bill."
bill rolled his eyes at the nickname, but couldn't help from smiling. stan smiled back at him and a blush fell over both boys' cheeks. beverly held in a squeal and managed to slip out without either of them noticing.
"um, yeah, uh...oh! so i like a lot of guh-geeky stuff- star wuh-wars, v-video games, all that s-stuff, and i really like a-a-anime." bill said, looking back up at stan. stan didn't show any facial expression that told bill he thought he was weird, which made bill relax a bit.
"star wars is pretty cool, i like the comic books. i've watched i think three animes? i'm not sure. my friend richie who likes anime told me they were the more tamer ones compared to the others."
the moment stan mentioned he had watched anime, bill's face lit up, and stan felt his heart soar. he had thought the blue eyed boy was cute from afar in their chemistry class, but up close, he could see the freckles that dotted bill's face and how the corners of his eyes crinkled when he smiled, and stan was swooned.
"which have you-" but before bill could finish his sentence, mrs. robinson's loud voice interrupted him, announcing that she needed the people in the next scene to go on the stage and that she needed to see stan and betty. stan smiled at bill as he started to get up.
"well, it was nice talking to you, denbrough. here, uh, put your number in my phone and i'll text you, yeah?" stan said, taking his phone and unlocking it, which he had turned on again during their debate to show bill how 'say no to this' conveyed great emotion for what the song was about, and went into his contacts for bill to add his number. bill nodded and acted casual about it, but on the inside he felt like he was on fire.
bill saved his number and gave stan his phone back, and they shared their goodbyes with flushed faces. now neither boy would ever admit it, but stan definitely went to richie's after rehearsal and forced him to have an anime marathon and with him and bill definitely facetimed eddie after rehearsal so he could educate on the good and bad musicals, and which songs he had to listen to.
and when the next rehearsal rolled around, both boys used their new found knowledge to impress the other, which made the other's heart skip a beat, and ended up getting a new hobby out of it, too.

written by clouddless

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