CH31:Believe in Me

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It had been three days. Three long and terrifying days since they had taken his brother away, and Ienari was left alone.

He shook silently in his cell, too fearful to make even a single sound. He missed Tsuna. He wanted to go home.

The door to his room began to creak open loudly. He didn't move still, curling tighter into a ball instead as the man that had entered stormed into the cell, tossing a roll of bread and jug of water at him.

It was routine now; the man would leave the food behind and leave himself, and Ienari would be left alone for hours upon hours, before the cycle would repeat. Three days, but still no Tsuna.

He curled tighter into his ball, waiting for the man to leave.

"Hurry up and eat. We're leaving after."

A rough hand closed around his wrist, making him yelp, petrified and caught off-guard. He was leaving?

"B-But– But, I—"

"Do you want your food or not, brat?"

"I do, I do!" Ienari scrambled forward, pressing the roll of bread to his chest as though it were stolen treasure, and took hulking gulps of water from the jug set aside.

When he was finished with his meagre meal, the man hauled him to his feet, practically dragging Ienari out of the cell and into an empty toom.

"What are you doing? What's going on?" he squeaked.

The man gave no indication of hearing, but his eyes seemed to settle heavily ahead onto a bulky object, flashing red intermittently. A camera.

'The hand around his wrist loosened, and when Ienari caught the man's eyes again, there was an apology in them.

"Good luck, kid. You'll need it," and though those words were spoken mockingly, Ienari could still detect an undercurrent of pity. He breathed out.

Okay, he willed his hands to stop trembling. Okay, I can do this. I need to... to find Tsu-nii.

The door behind him slid shut. The man was gone, and Ienari was almost sorry he hadn't ever gotten his name.

I hope Tsu-nii meets this nice man too.

He let his thoughts wander, slowly taking in the room. Unfortunately, the room hadn't changed in the past five minutes he'd been there. It was still empty.

The door behind him swung open, and Ienari flinched. He was getting a little bit tired of doors swinging open behind him.

"Enjoying your stay here?" Jerad smiled, his tone almost amicable.

Ienari backed away regardless, throwing his hands up as his back hit the wall.

"Let me go!"

Jerad smiled. "Oh, but why should I, boy? You are, after all, the key to your brother's obedience."

Ienari paled.

"What did you do to Tsu-nii?!"

"Well, Subject 72, why don't you find out?"

Jerad closed in on his wavering frame, only pausing when Ienari's eyes glimmered amber as he stood his ground, even as tears had sprung to his eyes.

"I won't... I won't let you hurt me!"

He was brave...! Tsu-nii said so, so Ienari couldn't let him down now! He gathered his resolve and glared.

"Go away!"

Sputtering flames erupted from his trembling hands. Jerad stopped in his motions, eyes widening slightly.

"How interesting," he muttered. "Maybe there's some use for you, after all!"

Lightning flames crackled to life.

"Game over." Jerad smiled sweetly and disappeared.

Ienari's eyes widened in shock.


A heavy punch to the gut stopped his thoughts, and he doubled over, coughing furiously. Kick after kick, punch after punch, it was a relentless barrage of attacks that left him unable to do much more than cry out. Jerad was merciless, and if the cackles were any indication, he was clearly enjoying the experience.

Ienari collapsed, coughing as spit dribbled down his chin. His stomach was churning and his ribs ached. The tears pooling in his eyes had begun to fall.

"Well, dear boy, looks like you're still alive after all."Jerad laughed. It was low and grating, and he had never hated a sound more—

"Let's proceed with Plan B then!"

And then there was a flash of green—

And then, there was darkness.


He awoke with a start, biting back a scream as he jolted upright. Night after night, he'd been plagued by nightmare after nightmare, so vivid they couldn't had been anything more than his own memories.

But it couldn't have been, right? Surely, it must've all been a dream. Getting captured, losing his brother, his sacrifice... he couldn't remember any if it.

What's going on...?

His thoughts were in circles and his emotions were tangled. He could still hear his brother's cruel whispers, a cold hand around his throat, tightening just enough to hurt.

This is your fault, Ie-kun, Tsuna would say. You're such a scaredy cat, always useless and weak. Don't you dare call me Tsuna as if we're close. It disgusts me.

Selfishness, arrogance and cruelty. It had hurt, growing up, and it still did now. Even now, Dame-Tsuna was still looking at him with those eyes, even as he was given everything in life, taking all the things that Ienari had found precious and wanted.

And he hated it.

He hated Tsuna, too.

Bad people had bad things happening to them. They didn't deserve to be happy. They couldn't. He wouldn't allow it to.

The voiced whispered inside his head, urging him to protect.

Ienari would be the killer that would put his own brother down forever. Let Tsunayoshi resent him. Let the world resent him.

He was prepared to lose everything, all so he could live in a reality where his brother would no longer be there to torment him or anyone else ever again.

*edited 08.07.22*

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