chapter 8: a true monster

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((this song would make a wonderful animation am i right?))

(tom's pov)

its been two days since the raid tord placed tom in charge of feeding and cleaning after edd. tom was heading to the dungeon where they held all the prisoners as something caught his attention the door to the lab was open yellow tape that read do not enter was all over the door curiosity obviously took over tom as he slipped under the tape and saw broken beakers and science equipment everywhere gulping silently he walked towards the only spot that was left untouched a vile that contained a blackish purple substance with smoke floating out of it.

hesitantly tom got closer something was calling for him to take it and the other half yelled him to not take it his hands hovered the vile before and hum of someone clearing their throat quickly spinning around he came eye to eye with the one and only..

"what the hell are you doing in here thomas" tord snarled as he walked closer his hands balled in a fist "cant you read do you know how to read?" tord voice boomed "i bet you didnt even acknowledged the tape THAT IS ALL OVER THE GOD FORSAKEN DOOR" tord took a step towards nose to nose with the smaller male making the smaller male cower in fear "thinking...thiiiiiiiiinking of a punishment for you" he rubbed his chin thinking as he glanced at the vile picking it up delicately making tom get more anxious of what he was planning on doing "we do need to test this 
death or not" he puts tom on a choke hold rather quickly as he pried his mouth open with his metal arm as he placed the vile to the males lips and tilting it making the substance run down the smaller male's throat.

tord lets go of tom who screamed with agony as he held his throat trying to puke out whatever was eating the inside of his throat and organs tom fell onto his knees holding his throat as his mouth watered with the black substance pain was going through his forehead back everywhere from bone to organs it hurt enough it felt like he was thrown in a oil fire and wasnt able to get out.

(tord's pov)

tord watched the male in amusement and satisfaction but his face darkened when the male's hands started to turn into claws his mouth turning into a snout with long sharp fangs that can tear a human body in seconds a tail slammed on the floor as the thing grew into a monster that was bigger than tord himself. 

tord backed slowly as he stood his ground as he reached for his pistol as he pulled it out aiming it at the monster that used his personal body guard

the monster turned to face tord as it roared loudly the substance in his mouth dripping out as its large tail lashing breaking the tables and glass as it raised to be on two paws its large head breaking the ceiling as it roared in tord's face making tord flinch but not good enough to show it to the beast tord pointed the gun to the monster's chest as the monster's glared darkly and slaps the gun away with its sharp tail making tord's hand bleed

"mother-" the monster slams its paw on tord possibly breaking some bones but mainly breaking his brand new robotic arm the monster's head hovered above tord's as the substance dribbled onto tord's face making him a bit grossed out as he starred back at the monster as he tried to reach for his pistol before he got thrown to the wall making him gasp for air and collapsed on the ground weakly the monster got on all four as he flung the limp male in the air and threw him to the wall again breaking the glass behind it as he landed on the ground some of his yet to be healed wounds started to open up again as he gasped for air trying to stand with only one arm (by now his robotic arm was torn off) tord dragged himself away from anymore harm as he rasped heavily 

the monster was heard climbing over the shattered window glass snapping under its pads as he growled lowly its tail lashing as he raised his paw to strike his final blow but collapsed before he could a red dart was in his back and paul stood behind the monster looking bored as he stared at tord for a few seconds and walked away slowly calling some medic 

tom was slowly forming into his human form whatever was left of his clothes were torn and shredded around his body blood was pouring out of his hands and feet tord starred at the male as he looked away and forced himself up before passing out himself from the pain

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