chapter 11: belonging..

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(tom's pov)

tom was walking in a field of flowers as he hummed softly as he looked around the peaceful area listening to the birds tweeting and the bees buzzing around the crickets cricketing in the distances and now and then a soft hum of a car passing by the setting sun set orange rays across the area making the mood peaceful and safe, tom sat on the ground and slowly laid down making some flowers move around as tom glanced at the orange sky with spots of white clouds tom closed his eyes for a second as he relaxed opening his eyes again he felt himself loose breath his eye sights becoming a blur as he struggled for air as he felt water soak his body as he struggled to swim up but something was weighing him down as he panicked more and more as he tried desperately to swim to the surface but the more he struggled the more he went down into the black depths of...loneliness. 

tom shot straight up as he gasped for air as he panicky looking around only to realize he was in his bunker in the rebellion base taking a deep breath he covered his mouth to try to stop himself from sobbing, he's been having the same dreams over and over but sometimes before he woke up a man would try to save him only for tom to end up sinking to the bottom, tom wiped the sweat off his face as he started to realize his alarm clock was going off he slams the off button and stood up getting change into his old hoodie and sweat pants as he saw in the corner of his goggles a piece of paper falling lightly onto the floor as he slowly picked it up and teared up instantly at what the pictured showed.

the picture was he and tord kissing under a mistletoe tom looked furious but tord had no regret of what he was doing that day, tom's heart shot with pain as he gripped his chest shaking as he tried not to sob of the loneliness that was slowly killing him, hurt that was slowly tearing him apart..and he knew who was the blame..and it was...his old lover whom tom thought that the man loved him like the man always said he did but only to later on realize that he was faking it and tom was only being used as a sex toy and slave for that power hungry man.

tom gulped as he slid the picture back in his pocket and headed out of his bunker a look of sadness shown all over his face as he stopped dead seeing edd and matt playing with their one year old child as the toddler smiled happily making edd and matt smile at each other tom quickly walked away from the sight as he felt more and more of a need to return to that man he can never stop loving and tom didnt know why he cant stop loving that man, but maybe its the fact that tom thinks tord never means what he does and that tord did truly love him and is afraid to show it because he had so much power he could never show weakness tom exhaled as he headed out of the base of the rebellion army and pulled out his phone.

he needed to go back and deal with whatever punishment he deserves even if its death tom just wants to see tord for one last time and say that he loved that man no matter how much bad he did he loved him just as much and that it kills him to love a man like tord.

tom dialed the number he remembered as he placed the phone to his ear "hi tord...."

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