Chapter 7

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"You did what?!"

"I told fifty-four million people that I have a secret fan account," I repeat for Aaron, who didn't hear me correctly, or something. Stan and Calvin are staring at me, speechless as I fiddle with my red toothbrush.

"Just now?!" Stan asks, his eyes wide. I quickly shake my head.

"N-No, last night. I can't believe this... what am I supposed to do?!" My voice breaks in the middle of my sentence and I pinch the bridge of my nose, knitting my eyebrows tightly together.

"Delete the tweet!" Aaron shrieks, messing up his hair with his hand.

"I can't, everyone already saw it," I say miserably. "Simon is going to kill me."

I hold my head in my hands, staring blankly at my bowl of cereal.

I guess I should've been the designated driver.


"Cara, can you believe it?!" I wrap my arms around the girl and hug her, almost sobbing into her shoulder. She holds me, but I look up to see her roll her eyes.

"Yes, Harry, you've been talking about this all morning." Cara pats my head and pries me off of her, turning her attention to the counter to serve the customer that was approaching.

"Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get you, darling?"

"I know," I sigh, leaning over the counter dramatically once the customer left. "But this literally feels like a dream. Louis freaking Tomlinson--"

"Well, do you know what account it is?" Cara interrupts.

"What?" I tilt my head to look at her.

"Like, I get it. He has a fan account. But do you know which is his?" Cara asks, writing the customer's name on the Starbucks cup and starting to prepare the coffee.

"No. Not yet," I admit. "But, Niall is picking me up after this shift and we're going to do some searching." I glance down at my watch to check the time. My shift is over in five minutes.

"Oh, well, good luck with that." Cara sets the finished coffee on the counter, and after calling the girl's name, hands the coffee to her and wishes her a good day.

"Thanks, we're going to need it," I sigh again. "Do you know how many Louis stan accounts there are?!"

"Harry!" I look up to the door to see a familiar blonde running towards the counter. "We have to go, now!"

"Niall, I have three minutes left on my shift--"

"I said now!" He pulls on my arm and drags me towards the door. I shoot an apologetic glance to Cara.

"Bye, Cara, sorry!" I call to her. She waves goodbye and Niall pulls me through the front door.

"You can let go of me now," I huff, snatching my arm away from him. He grins sheepishly and runs a hand through his dyed blonde hair, opening the door to his red jeep and stepping inside. I climb into the passenger seat and pull my seatbelt across my chest.

"So, sleepover at my place?" Niall asks as he drives out of the parking lot (quite terribly). I shake my head at him, even though he's looking at the road.

"No, I don't have my stuff with me."

"Good thing I grabbed it for you!"
"What?!" I look over to him, bewildered. "Niall, what the-- how in-- I locked the front door!"

"Your bedroom window was open," Niall says simply, stopping the car at the red traffic light.

"You climbed in through my bedroom window?!"

"Yeah, and packed a bag, too." He motions to the backseat where a black duffle bag sits, the seatbelt strapped across it.

"Niall, that's so creepy," I groan, pinching the bridge of my nose. He winks at me and turns a sharp corner. My head smacks against the window.

"Niall," I groan again. He apologizes (but I know he didn't really mean it) and we pull into his driveway. He takes the keys out of the ignition and steps out of the car. He unbuckles the dufflebag and carries it on his shoulder. I follow him into the house, wondering why he didn't lock the front door, even though I always lecture him over it. I swear, this boy is going to get robbed one day.

Niall kicks off his shoes dramatically, one flying off his foot and hitting the wall. I gape at his actions but choose not to say anything and take off my shoes as well, placing them neatly by the door. Niall smirks at me and quickly whirls around, running down the hallway.

"Race you to my room!" Since he was clearly going to win, I shake my head, smile, and walk after him. Niall's room was messy, as per usual. I grimace at the empty McDonald's and Nando's bags scattered across the floor, stepping over them to sit on the bed. Niall flops down beside be and immediately pulls out his phone, opening Twitter. I do the same.

"So, where should we start?" Niall asks, going to the search tab on Twitter.

"I honestly have no idea," I admit, staring blankly at my phone.

"Um, let's start with the accounts we're following." Niall suggests. I agree to this and open my profile. My layout is themed around the color yellow, mostly sunflowers. I smile at my bio; "i want to write lou a song."

Niall and I scroll through the list of accounts we follow. Ever since Louis' tweet, most of the accounts changed their bio to "Louis Tomlinson's secret fan account."

"We aren't getting anywhere!" Niall suddenly shouts throwing his phone onto the carpeted floor. I flinch at his sudden outburst.

"We don't even know if his account is big or small," he complains, rolling onto his side to look at me. "We need more information!"

"I don't think we're going to get anything else," I say grimly.

"I don't either." Niall rolls off the bed to pick up his phone. He puts it in his pocket and gives me a crooked smile. "Make me lunch?" I sigh loudly.

"You're lucky we're best friends, Irish elf."



so, niall and harry's search didn't go very well :'(((((

we're back to regular group chat chapters next update!

also-- ive been doing a lot of writing recently, and ive started new stories. im thinking about publishing one soon.

thats all ahaha im so awkward bye

my love always,
shelby x

instagram: @rainbowlouuu

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