Chapter 25

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"How did we end up here?" I lean against the window of the airplane, resting my cheek against the cool glass as the pilot announces the take-off.

"It's all because of me. You should thank me." Niall grins at me, running a hand through his blonde quiff. I roll my eyes and turn to look at him.

"What did you do?" An offended look grows on his face.

"Hey! Don't forget, asshole, I'm the one who added you to the groupchat!"

"Oh, right." I smile and laugh at how worked up Niall got. "Thanks for adding me."

"You're welcome," He beams, showing his pearly whites.

"Also, thanks for making the groupchat in the first place." I add, sitting back in my seat as the airplane lifts into the air. Niall and I were lucky enough that the seat next to us was empty, but there was a kid seated behind Niall that seemed full of energy, and ready to kick his seat.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, Niall curses quietly under his breath as he's jerked forward as the kid kicks his chair.

I give him a sympathic glance, turning to look out of the window again. I could watch the clouds for forever.

I can't believe it.

Just a few months ago, I never thought I would have been here-- on an airplane to Dallas, Texas, to see my idol, Louis Tomlinson, perform for the second time; hell, I couldn't even imagine seeing him live once.

This storyline is so ridiculous. If Zayn was here, he'd tell me that "the universe wanted this fate for me," or something like that. Honestly, I'm starting to believe that.

I couldn't be more grateful.

I quickly thank the universe and the Laws of Attraction as a flight attendant comes by my seat with a snack cart.

"Would you like something to drink? Or to eat?" She asks, adjusting the hat that sat on her shiny black hair.

Niall asks for some kind of sandwich and a coca-cola, and I request a fruit and cheese plate with sprite.

"I'm not going to survive this plane ride," Niall curses again as the kid behind us starts crying and smacking his seat.

"Just move over one," I point to the empty seat next to the aisle way. Niall shakes his head.

"Are you kidding? I'm going to sleep on you." He leans his head on my shoulder, as if to prove a point.

"It's only a three hour flight!" I say, and he shrugs.

"That's three hours I don't have to be conscious for," He fake snores, and I roll my eyes and gently push him off of me as the flight attendant returns with our food and drinks.

"Thank you," I smile at her and place my stuff on the table in front of me, Niall doing the same.

"So," the blonde takes a bite from his sandwich. "Are you ready to see Louis perform again?!"

My heart skips a beat as I intake a sharp breath, nodding my head.

"So ready." Niall nods his head vigorously at me, agreeing.

"I'm so happy. I love him." He sighs dreamily, sipping his coca-cola.

"Same," I agree, my cheeks tinting red as I eat a grape. I don't know how Niall can express his love for Louis so easily-- when you care so, so strongly about someone, isn't it hard to say in words how much you love them?

I really do love him, though.

Wait, is it weird to say that now that we're friends? Ugh, I wish I could stop overthinking everything I do.

Niall and I continue voicing our excitement and love for the brunet, until Niall falls asleep on my shoulder, just like he said he would. I fall asleep too, slipping into a dream of the concert that is going to happen tomorrow night.


hi hi

OKAY this book is almost finished, only two or three more chapters left holy shiz

i'd like to say thank you so, so much for reading and enjoying, i love you.

if you found any mistakes, please tell me so i can fix it!

my love always,

shelby x

instagram: @rainbowlouuu

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