Chapter XV - The Susan Wedding

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Roxana looked on in disgust at the men who flocked around the tables like greedy pigs. The tables had lumps of glittering gold on them, and they were hurriedly writing down their names on the rolls of parchment. There were shouts and and rumbles of excited talk. The men were overjoyed that they could pay their debts off in one day. 

A month had passed since their arrival in Susa. Wandering about in the extravagant palace, Roxana had bumped into many royal Persians. As the days went by, it seemed that the people inside the palace increased. 

Today, Alexander had invited the Macedonians and the Persians to participate in the magnificent wedding ceremony where thousands of his officers would be marrying women of other tribes. If they did so, all their debts would be paid off. Why would Alexander do this? Of course, to unite nations and gain more power. Was that all she had amounted to, then? Simply a means to assimilate nations so that he could consolidate power? Roxana's anger burned. But most of all, she could never forgive her husband for this -

He himself was also getting married to two others. Stateira, the wife of Darius. Parysatis, the half-sister of Darius. Roxana had refused to participate. But now she stood looking on from outside, while her maids stood behind her, their heads bowed.

Steeping into the room and stationing herself at the side, she looked on with disdain at Stateira, the graceful woman in the pink dress from before. She was like a slender swan compared to her, Roxana, who was like a plump baby deer. A surge of jealousy rose up inside her as she saw Stateira advance towards Alexander. He took her hand and kissed it. Then another woman, whom Roxana guessed was Parysatis, came along. She, too, was kissed on the hand by Alexander.

Alexander and his wives took seats on top of the podium, a rich carpet extending from it down a set of stairs. Below, each bride sat beside their bridegroom. Roxana noticed a Bactrian woman, who took up her place in the seat beside Selecuos, and she also noticed a noble Persian woman take a seat beside Ptolemy. All the women were beautiful and graceful, wearing colourful veils and being the epitomes of modesty. Soft music was played as this ordeal took place. Roxana felt like snatching away the instruments from the musicians, but she only curled her lips into a small smile whenever anyone noticed her.

She knew that Alexander knew she was there. He had glanced at her now and then out of the corner of his eyes while he made small talk with his two new queens. Roxana pretended not to notice. Then Alexander stood up.

"Men of Macedonia!" He shouted.

"I have found that after today, the number of men who have married women of other nations has numbered up to ten thousand. It pleases me that my people decide to unite themselves so. I thank you all for participating, and I have prepared this to show my gratitude." Promptly, the servants came forwards, each with golden wreaths on their arms. They handed them out to each bride and bridegroom, who took them and set it upon their heads. Now everyone was wearing a golden wreath.

"Roxana, why do you stand there so? Come beside me, though it is not our wedding day, you are also my wife," said Alexander. Roxana looked up in surprise for a moment, before she quickly masked it. The others were looking at her in curiosity. She wanted to speak out in anger but she also didn't want to ruin such a comradely and spirited event, so she simply spun on her heels and walked away. Roxana knew that this was defying him, and this in front of all his subjects, but she did not care anymore.

By the time the sun was high over the city of Susa, Roxana sat at the table before her, intending to have lunch. She looked at the golden bowls holding the pomegranates, she looked at the figs, the cheese, the bread, the wine, and herring. A colourful assortment of foods had been laid out before her, but she did not feel like eating anything. How could she, when hate consumed her like an overwhelming wave that she could drown in?

"My queen, Lady Stateria wishes to visit you." Roxana looked up with a surprised expression. Promptly, Roxana heard the shuffling of feet as the graceful Persian woman entered. She was donned in white, save the rich turquoise cloak she had draped about her shoulders. Roxana lifted the glass of wine to her lips and sipped at it slowly.

"Tell me why you have requested my audience." Roxana said coldly, not bothering to invite her to sit down at her table. She had no wish for pleasantries and would like Stateira to get straight to the point.

"There is no particular reason, my queen." Her voice was gentle, and her eyes were keen. "I saw you at the banquet, and merely wished to be your ally. You are a Bactrian, but Bactrians are very close to the Persians. We share the same values." Stateria sat down in front of her, offering her a warm smile. For Roxana, an image of Alexander's tear-streaked face and Stateira kissing him flashed across her mind.

"In this cruel land of Macedonia where they have no tolerance for us, I feel that two people will be better than one at overcoming. Or at the very least, at coping. I have heard that most of the Macedonian officers who got married today were talking of immediate divorce," Continued Stateira.

It was true, Macedonia was not her home any more than it was Stateira's. In another time, or another world, she and Stateira could become friends. But not now. Roxana was Alexander's wife. She would never acquiesce with being one of his wives.

"It is not good to stay inside your chamber when it is a beautiful day outside. Come, shall we take a walk among the rose gardens?" Stateira asked.

"No." Said Roxana. "I am tired. But by all means, do not take any notice of me and enjoy your day outside."

"I have brought you flowers from my garden," said Stateira, ignoring Roxana's remark. She motioned for her maid to come forwards, and presented the queen with a bouquet of roses. Roxana took it and lay it on the table. 

"Thank you! I do not know what to say to such a thoughtful gift," said Roxana, curving her lips up into a smile. She drew the bouquet in to catch its scent, and mindlessly she began to pluck off the petals of the poor roses. One by one the pink leaves fell onto the ground. Roxana continued to do this as if she were simply tearing bread to eat. 

Stateira stared at her for a moment, then her demeanour grew cold. Seeing this, Roxana smiled even wider. 

"Does it please Alexander to have you near him, Stateira?" Roxana asked.

"Yes," She replied, "It seems to be so, or he would not come to seek me every night. Also I do not take kindly to being addressed like that. It is Lady Stateira to you, as I am a queen."

"There is no queen except one, Stateira," replied Roxana. "However, if the king's mistress so desperately wishes to be called thus, then I'd be happy to oblige." 

"I see that you have no intentions of being my ally," Said the Persian princess, "I came in peace, but you refused it. I was wondering who you would be - One of Alexander's wives, yes, but my friend, or my foe? I see now that you are my foe."

"Lady Stateria," spoke Roxana mockingly, "You have known before you set foot inside my chamber, and from today since you have married him, that we were always enemies."

Stateira began to walk away, and her maids followed. But before she exited, she swiftly turned around. "Yes, I suppose so. For no two queens can exist, much less three." The corners of her mouth lifted and the Persian queen briskly exited the chamber.

When Stateira had gone, Roxana felt sick in the stomach. The sight of food before he made it worse. Quickly, she rushed to the adjoined bathroom and threw up in the tub. She looked up, and gazed at herself in the mirror. Bahar came running in and gathered her long hair behind her. Roxana continued to vomit, and suddenly she found that she was in a haze. Bahar's sympathetic face was blurry, and Roxana clenched the side of the tub in order not to fall.

"My queen, I think you are with child."


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