Chapter Twenty Seven

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Later, Michael asks Chris, "Can you do a favor for me?"

Chris replies, "You know I'd do anything for you, man."

Michael nods, "I don't know if this is too much to ask, but can you stay with Paige sometimes when I'm not around?"

Chris smiles and shakes his head, "No, that ain't too much to ask. Of course I'll stay with her. Besides, I have plenty of embarrassing stories of you to tell her." He nudges Michael as he teases him.

Michael laughs but then pauses, "Wait, what stories? What are going to tell her, Chris?"

Chris wipes his fingers across his mouth to motion a zipper, "I ain't tellin' you shit."

Chris checks his watch and says, "Looks like I gotta get going, but imma stop by tomorrow."

Michael is still thinking about the stories, "What are you going to tell Paige? What stories, Chris?"

Chris just shakes his head and pats his hand on Michael's back.

Michael demands trying to conceal his laughter, "You gotta tell me this, Chris. I don't want you going and telling her crazy stories."

All Chris can do is laugh and mimic Michael, "'What stories, Chris? You gotta tell me this, Chris!' God dammit, Mike, you're hilarious. Paige, you gotta nutty one right here."

Chris waves to Michael before heading out the door.

Michael grunts in annoyance and shakes his head at his best friend.

He tells Paige, "I guess if you're not awake to keep me on my feet, somebody's got to. But just so you know, you're so much better at it than he is."

Then Michael hears Chris yell from the hall, "I heeaaard that, Mike!"

Michael chuckles and yells, "Get outta here, Chris!"

Gosh, does that man know how to make his day better.

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