Chapter Nine: "The Calm Before The Storm"

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  The alarm began blaring. Then, any order that was left in the room flew out the window. Everyone began panicking, pushing towards the door. "Hey, order please, HEY!" Ms. Dale tried to get everyone's attention but it was no use.

  The halls were a mess. The intercom blared even louder than the alarm, repeating the instructions that they had heard many times for the fire drill, but this was different. This wasn't a drill, and it was definitely no fire.

  Scorpio was lost in the crowd, being swayed this way and that by the wave of students. No student ran the same direction, it was utter chaos. As he begun to push forward through the crowd trying to find a familiar face, he felt something around his wrist before he was roughly yanked backward. He grunted as he fell.

  He scrambled up quickly, rubbing his sore rump. "What the fu-" he started angrily, but his voice died down in his throat when he saw Principal Orion standing sternly in front of him. Eleven other students stood nervously behind Orion. Scorpio quickly got up and dusted himself off.

"Come quickly," Orion said, striding towards the cafeteria. The zodiacs quickly scurried after him, they were too dazed to question what was happening. Orion led them through the kitchen and through a door at the back, it led into a small garden which was then cut off by a large forest.

  Everyone looked up to see large grey clouds accumulating in the sky. Everything was eerily quiet. A fat drop of cool rain fell onto the tip of Scorpio's heated nose. "A storm is coming," he grumbled. Leo fastened his pace to match their principal's.

"Um, Mr. Principal Sir," he started,

"Please, Orion is fine," Orion interrupted.

"Oh ok. Um, Mr. Principal Orion Sir," there was a collective groan from behind him, "where are you taking us?"

"You'll see,"

"And the other students?"

"They're safe," Orion looked away, Leo knew that this conversation was going nowhere so he fell into step with the rest of the group.

"At least we got to miss detention with Ms Dale," Sagittarius whispered to Aquarius, who laughed.

  Orion stopped suddenly, making Capricorn skid to a halt, and everyone else banging into her. They peered around him and saw a woman walking towards them.

  Her hair was a beautiful reddish pink color, her eyes shone through as a brilliant purple. Capricorn frowned, these people have really strange eye colors.

  As she stopped next to them she smiled at them, showing off her pearly whites. "You will be going with Phoenix here. I have to get back and check on the other students. She will explain what's happening." Orion said pointing at Phoenix.

"Phoenix?" Gemini said, raising her eyebrow.

"That is my name, yes." She said as she begun to walk away again. They turned to Orion and he nodded in her direction so they all sprinted after her fast-paced walking.

"How come we've never seen you around school?" Aries asked,

"I'm a sub, so I rarely ever actually teach. I usually help Orion with his work." Phoenix replied, glancing at her briefly.

  As the others walked around Phoenix, curiosity filling their minds, Libra slowed down to walk with Taurus, who was falling behind. "Hey Taurus, I have something to tell you."

"Sure what is it?"

"I believe you." Taurus froze. Libra fumbled around in her pocket before pulling out a small square of cloth. Aries saw this action from the corner of her eye. It was the same cloth she had seen Libra holding during Art. She nudged Capricorn and whispered,

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