Chapter Fifteen: "Safety Precautions"

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They all waited anxiously as Taurus developed the courage to begin. She took a deep breath and her eyes flitted between the others before speaking. "I saw somebody. I couldn't see who it was. We were sleeping, one of us snuck out, they were sleepwalking though and got kidnapped. I was that person in my vision, but I wasn't actually me." She explained. Some of them nodded in understanding. Others looked at each other in confusion. "I was in someone else's body, one of you probably. Whoever's body I was in, they got kidnapped." She clarified, shortening her explanation so it made more sense.

  This was not good. Nobody knew what to do. Only two people out of the twelve had had a history of sleepwalking: Libra and Capricorn. They had decided that they'd have a tripwire so that in case either of them began walking out of their room, through the door, they'd alert the others. They had no way to contact Phoenix or Orion because their phones had been left at the school.

Scorpio stood outside the cabin, his arms outstretched and his palms facing the sky. He was trying to create a force field surrounding the cabin. A spark flicked off his fingers, but that was it. He put his hands in his face and groaned in frustration. A hand landed on his shoulder and he jumped in surprise. He turned to see Capricorn looking at him sympathetically. "Don't," he said, "I know what you are going to say: Hey don't worry, you'll get there eventually." He said in a high pitched voice, attempting to imitate hers. She sighed,

"No need to state the obvious," She replied, "and I don't sound like that." They stood in silence for a few seconds as the slight shimmering of a force field began to form around them. It was quite big, giving them a lot of the forest to explore before restraining them. As Scorpio continued to strengthen, Capricorn stared down at her feet, "I hate this," she mumbled under her breath. She had been talking to herself but Scorpio heard her,

"Yeah, me too," he replied, not taking his eye off the task at hand. Capricorn glanced at him and continued,

"It's like, we're just always confined," she breathed out. "We have no freedom, we're in danger and we don't even know why. How are we supposed to protect ourselves if we don't know what we are protecting ourselves from! You have powers, we're being hidden from civilization, I don't understand!" She could feel the tears building up but it felt nice to get it off her chest. She didn't know whether Scorpio was listening to her or not, but she didn't care.

"I understand." Was the short reply she received, but it was enough. She looked at him and saw something in his eyes, she couldn't see whether it was empathy or fear, or something else. It showed her that he wasn't the cold Scorpio that he tried to engrave into everyone's minds.

• • •

  Underneath her covers, Libra heard the door to her room creak open. She quickly wiped her tear stained face and threw the cover off her, trying to act natural. Virgo stood at the foot of the bed, his eyebrow raised. "What were you doing under there," he said suggestively,

"Leave the jokes to Aquarius and Sagittarius," She sniffled, her eyes dodging Virgo's incessant gaze. His features immediately softened, although they weren't on the best of terms, Virgo hated to see anybody down in the dumps. He sat down next to her and wrapped an arm timidly around her shoulder, surprised when she didn't shrug it off. "I'm scared," she said quietly.

"Hey, we're doing everything we can to keep you guys safe you know that." He said softly, as though talking to a baby, "We're lucky to have friends that would go out of their way to save us. Especially since we don't even know each other that well." He said, looking out of the window where Scorpio and Capricorn stood. The small figure of Leo joined them and they started talking about something. Knowing Leo it was probably something stupid.

"I do know Muay Thai, so I guess I could protect myself," Libra whispered randomly, Virgo almost laughed at loud. The thought of her petite body punching him was too impossible to imagine. Libra noticed his snicker and smirked. "What? Do you think that I can't bring you down? Let's go right now!" She hopped up and got into a fighting position. Virgo slowly stood up and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Okay— but don't blame me if you get hurt," He said in a singsong voice.

"Oh don't worry, I won't. Lettuce-head!" She mumbled under her breath.

  As soon as he was ready she went in for a jab, Virgo hopped back slightly but recovered fast enough to block a hook coming his way. He tried to swing his arm towards her chin like she did but she deflected it easily. She sent him a surprised look at the fact that he was bold enough to do that. Virgo took this as a sign she was distracted and quickly took her by the shoulders and lifted his left leg to knee her. Before he could even blink she had swept her foot under his right leg. He lost his balance and fell on his back bringing Libra down with him. He let out a grunt as she landed on top of him. His hands still on her shoulder, he pushed her up so that she was hovering above his body. "You lose," She grinned at him as he let his head fall back onto the floor.

"Whatever, I did pretty good for someone who's never done this before,"

"You lasted ten seconds."

"Shut up." Before she could respond he quickly flipped them over so that he was in the top. However, his success was short lived because soon enough Libra was on top again. She saddled his torso and leaned down,

"Nice try." They fell into a split second of uncomfortable silence as they noticed their close proximity. Libra clambered off him and fell onto her bed, smothering her face with the pillow to hide the blush slowly creeping into her cheeks, she flipped over and laughed awkwardly. "Well it looks like I cured her sadness," Virgo said, she looked up to see Gemini standing in the doorway. He walked around her and silently stuck his middle finger up to Libra. She stuck her tongue out at him as Gemini plopped herself down onto the bed.

"So..." Gemini said,

"How was your day?"

• • •

They all sat outside. Aquarius was conjuring up a fence just beyond the force field. He was with Scorpio so that they could get in and out of the force field. The force field was invisible unless made in contact with, so the enemy wouldn't realize it was there.

"This is like a freaking prison," Sagittarius said, jumping up and down on her spot.

"Aww it's ok Saggy Butt," Aries grinned back,

"Shut the hell up, Rice," she shot back,

"That doesn't even make sense," Aries grumbled.

"What is taking them so long!" Sagittarius cried. Her patience was slowly running out.

"Calm down! Blue Boy and the Scorpion will be back soon," Cancer said, trying to help Sagittarius stay still. At that moment there was a loud crunch like the snapping of twigs. Everyone turned to the sound and saw the Force Field deteriorating in that spot. Aquarius scrambled through and everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

"Did I just hear someone call me 'The Scorpion'?" Scorpio emerged from behind Aquarius, not seeming happy to be left alone with the blue-haired boy.

"Hey, hey so I had an idea!" Virgo's voice rung out through the crowd. Everyone turned to him. He grinned evilly for a few seconds, making everyone uncomfortable. "How about we go camping!"


A/N Hey, so everyone is safe, for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm still debating on whether I should try and make this story short or long. What do you guys think?

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Yours truly,

Zodiac Lover No.1,


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