Chapter Fourteen: "Practice Makes Perfect"

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As morning rolled by, everyone opened their sleepy eyes to a new day. They had fallen asleep on the sofa again. They would have to remember to sleep in their actual beds soon. Gemini smiled as she shook them each by turn gently, "Guys wake up, It's a brand new day!" Her cheerfulness was contagious— or she was just using her powers— and soon they were all up and about.

"Uhh, guys?" There was a call from somewhere everyone looked around. The call came again.

"It's Leo!" Aries said suddenly, they all realized she was right, "Where are you?"

"I-I don't know, it's- it's dark and I'm really squashed." Leo's voice came out as small and scared. The others looked at each other and felt panic slowly rise through them.

"Stop that!" Aries said turning to Gemini suddenly.

"I'm not doing anything!" Gemini shot back, although she knew that her panic was increasing the others as well. There was a sudden bang from the kitchen. They all rushed in but saw nobody. The bang came again, this time it was coming from the inside of a cupboard. Scorpio silently walked up and slowly unlocked the cupboard door and opened it. As soon as he did this Leo came tumbling out. Just before he hit the ground he disappeared.

"Where— did he go?" Aries asked slowly, everyone looked around, confused.

"Here!" They all ran to the living room, from where the voice was coming from. Leo stood there, dazed and confused. He looked like he was about to fall over. Aquarius rushed over and held him up. Pisces tilted his head slightly inspecting Leo,

"I think you have discovered your powers." He said finally. Leo looked at his hands, which let off a few electrifying sparks.

"No shit."

• • •

After their interesting morning, they continued their day as though it was any normal day, although by now they were kind of used to it. They had breakfast, Taurus cooking instead today, making the simple eggs and bacon, much to Scorpio's delight. They simply lounged around afterward, apart from Virgo, who insisted on dusting off every single speck of dust in his sight.

There was a loud cry from Virgo but nobody reacted, he did this every time he saw a dust bunny. "WHO FORGOT TO FLUSH! AND AFTER YOU TOOK A HUGE DUMP TOO!" Everyone immediately turned to Leo and Aquarius, who sat and giggled alongside Gemini and Aries.

"It wasn't us!" They chorused at once.

"I know it was you, I can read your mind remember?" Cancer whispered to Pisces, who sat next to him.

"Shut up, I forgot I have an intolerance to eggs," Pisces whispered back as he turned red. He paused for a second and then continued, "Snitches end up in ditches though."

"Don't worry, I won't tell," Cancer laughed quietly.

"Ребята, вы буквально так раздражаете, иногда я хочу разорвать голову." Virgo exclaimed as he stomped out of the bathroom. They heard the gurgling of the flush after him.

"I didn't know you knew Russian?" Scorpio said, raising an eyebrow. Virgo widened his eyes and replied,

"I don't.." He said as he looked around at the others.

"What did you say?"

"I said that you guys are literally so annoying I want to rip off my head." He paused while everyone stared at each other, slightly scared. His face suddenly lit up, "Oh wait! I saw something like this in the book." They all looked at Aquarius expectantly. He groaned,

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