Chapter Twenty-Nine: "As Normal as it Gets"

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  The zodiacs sat around the dining table. Phoenix's siblings had disappeared into their rooms and Orion had come knocking at the door shortly after Phoenix called him. He now sat at the head of the table staring at each of them intensely. "So?" Orion asked finally, "What have you decided?"

  Cancer blew out a breath as everybody looked around, wondering who was going to speak first. Finally, Aries moaned,

"Fine, since I am your wonderful and trusted leader, I shall tell him."

"Hey!" Capricorn protested, not missing a beat, "You're not the leader, I am." Instantly, a groan ran through the group, knowing that this could proceed for a very long time. Before they could begin their usual quarrel, Virgo blurted out,

"We have decided to return to Earth," He said.

"I honestly think Virgo makes a good leader," Libra told Pisces, who sat next to her, who simply raised his eyebrow suggestively. She retorted by jabbing him in the ribs, he covered his laugh with a cough. Orion and Phoenix stared at them. Virgo cleared his throat,

"We have lives. We have a family. We have friends. They're all back on Earth and although they might forget us, we won't forget them. You—" he pointed at Phoenix as he explained, "imagine living on Earth without your siblings." Orion blew out a breath of air and nodded, he understood what Virgo was saying. They sat as they contemplated their decision. They couldn't leave their families, their lives, their home.

"Plus," Aries piped in, "We're just children, how do you expect us to do what we have to do without following in our ancestors' footsteps?"

"But we know you, we know you won't do that," Phoenix said, they could almost hear the pleading tint in her voice. They almost changed their minds,

"We still don't think we're ready," Virgo repeated.

"I'm n-not sure what I expected," Phoenix said quietly, but loud enough for them to hear. Orion let out another short burst of air before speaking,

"Okay, I respect your decision. Remember, you can never change your mind." They all nodded.

"Will we lose our memories and powers?" Aquarius asked. Orion debated it for a second,

"Powers, yes. Memories, do you want to forget all that has happened?" Immediately they all shook their heads and he smiled, "Well then, there is your answer." Phoenix jumped up from where she was perched in her chair and walked to the door,

"Well, it's getting dark. I guess it's time for you guys to go home." They followed her outside, Orion tailing behind them.

  They approached the Moonlight Path a little while later, after walking for quite a long time. Taurus bounced slightly in excitement although she felt remorse at not being able to explore the beautiful place more. "How can you be excited for going back to school?" Leo grumbled. Aquarius pinched his cheek,

"Aw, stop being such a sourpuss Leo baby." Aries scoffed lightly,

"Maybe you two should date instead." Everyone grinned as Phoenix spread some sort of glittering dust around where they stood in a clump. When everyone looked at her curiously she spoke,

"Stardust, to revoke your powers and send you back to Earth," a nod to Orion.

"Do we have to lose our powers?" Sagittarius complained, looking at her hand spark as she lifted Aquarius slightly off the ground,

"Hey! Put me down!" he cried as everyone stifled their chuckles.

  Orion said nothing, simply cracked his knuckles and sent a pointed look towards Phoenix, she quickly ran to them and hugged each of them tightly. She mumbled a goodbye and sniffled,

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